- International Release Release

    This page refers specifically to international releases that had Hasbro-style boxes. Known mostly as NAR (New American Release), NER (New European Release), and NPR (New Pacific Release). These series in particular brought out many of the "holotech" Zoids, and a series of original colored kits. Each list may be incomplete, as some of these series are quite hard to track down. A huge thanks to Falcarius for providing this info!

    Unlike the Tomy release kits the International releases contained no battle story information. They had brief stats printed on the box but that was about it.

- International Reviews (NAR: New American Release)

- List of Zoids

Hasbro Zoids
New European Zoids
Purple/Green Box
* No Faction Logo

    - Atak Kat
    - Barigator
    - Bear Fighter
    - Berserk Fury
    - Blade Liger (Red)
    - Brachiosaur
    - Dark Horn (No Gatling)
    - Dark Spiner
    - Elephander
    - Gordosaur
    - Gunblaster
    - Hel Digunner
    - Hover Cargo (+ Shield Liger & Dibison)
    - Iron Kong (+ PK Weapons)
    - Killer Dome
    - Konig Wolf
    - Liger Zero X
    - Lightning Saix
    - Metal Rhimos
    - Pteramander
    - Red Horn
    - Redler
    - Rev Raptor
    - Saicurtis
    - Shadow Fox
    - Sledge Head
    - Venomous Viper
    - Zabat
    - Zaber Fang (Yellow)

Purple/Green or Silver/Red Box
* With Faction Logo

    - Command Wolf (AC)
    - Cannon Tortoise
    - Dibison
    - Gun Sniper
    - Liger Zero
    - Ptera Striker
    - Raynos
    - Shield Liger
    - Spinosnapper
    - War Shark
    - Zaber Fang (Yellow)

Silver/Blue or Silver/Red Box
* With Faction Logo

    - Battle Cougar (Red & Yellow)
    - Black Rhimos
    - Chameleor
    - Command Wolf Irvine (Republic)
    - Death Stinger
    - Demantis
    - Diloforce (Republic)
    - Energy Liger (Black, Guylos)
    - Gatordus
    - Geno Breaker
    - Glaive Quama
    - Gojulas Giga
    - Gravity Ptera (Guylos)
    - Gravity Saurer (Guylos)
    - Gravity Saix (Guylos)
    - Gravity Wolf (Guylos)
    - Grounchar
    - Gusak
    - Gustav (Republic)
    - Iguanasaur
    - Liger Zero Schneider (Slightly Sparkly Zero)
    - Liger Zero X (Republic)
    - Lightning Saix (Yellow, + CP-16)
    - Maccurtis
    - Molga
    - Raynos Holotech
    - Sea Striker
    - Shield Liger Holotech
    - Ultrasaurus
    - Zaber Fang Holotech

Z-Builders:Silver/Blue Box
* No Faction Logo

    - Buster Eagle
    - Brachio Zilla
    - Cannon Spider
    - Demons Head
    - Dimetra Ptera
    - Diplo Guns
    - Fire Phoenix
    - Fly Scissors
    - Gorilla Tron
    - Leoblaze
    - Missile Tortoise
    - Mosasledge
    - Nightwise
    - Ray Saurer
    - Shell Karn
    - Unenlagia
Purple/Green Box
* With Tomy Logo
    - Blade Liger (Blue)
    - Brachiosaur
    - Cannon Tortoise
    - Command Wolf Irvine
    - Dibison
    - Geno Saurer
    - Godos
    - Gojulas
    - Gordosaur
    - Gun Sniper
    - Gustav
    - Guysack
    - Hel Digunner
    - Lightning Saix
    - Molga
    - Ptera Striker
    - Raynos
    - Redler
    - Rev Raptor
    - Shadow Fox
    - Shield Liger
    - Sledge Head
    - Spinosnapper
    - Storm Sworder
    - Zaber Fang (Red)
    - Venomous Viper
    - War Shark
    - Zabat
New Pacific Release
Purple/Green Box
* No Faction Logo

    - Berserk Fury
    - Elephander

Purple Green and Purple/Red Box
* With Faction Logo

    - Atak Kat
    - Barigator
    - Blade Liger (Red)
    - Command Wolf AC
    - Cannon Tortoise
    - Dark Horn (Green Background)
    - Dark Spiner
    - Dibison
    - Gun Sniper
    - Gunblaster
    - Killer Dome
    - Konig Wolf
    - Hel Digunner
    - Metal Rhimos
    - Ptera Striker
    - Redler
    - Rev Raptor
    - Saicurtis
    - Shadow Fox
    - Shield Liger
    - Sledge Head
    - Venomous Viper
    - Zabat
    - Zaber Fang (Yellow)

Silver/Blue or Silver/Red Box
* With Faction Logo

    - Black Rhimos (Blue Background, Guylos)
    - Command Wolf Irvine
    - Demantis
    - Diloforce (Blue Background, Guylos)
    - Gatordus
    - Gojulas Giga
    - Gun Tiger (Republic)
    - Gusak
    - Gustav (Republic)
    - Grounchar
    - Iguanasaur
    - Liger Zero X (Republic)
    - Maccurtis
    - Molga
    - Raynos Holotech
    - Saberlion
    - Sea Striker
    - Seismosaurus
    - Spinosnapper Holotech
    - War Shark Holotech
    - Zaber Fang Holotech

Z-Builders: Silver/Blue Box
* With Faction Logo

    - Demonshead
    - Diplo Guns
    - Fire Phoenix
    - Gorilla Tron
    - Jet Falcon
    - Laser Storm
    - Leo Gator
    - Leoblaze
    - Missile Tortoise
    - Mosasledge
    - Unenlagia
    - Scissor Storm
Rare or Cancelled Hasbro Zoids
    - Cannon Caesar
    - Dimetrodon (Purple)
    - Double Sworder Holotech
    - Gravity Rex (Hasbro Original Zoid)
    - Gun Blaster Holotech
    - Hound Soldier (Blue)
    - Jet Falcon
    - Laser Storm
    - Leo Gator
    - Liger Zero Holotech
    - Limited Blade Liger (BI Silver Blades/Claws/Teeth)
    - Seismosaurus (Brighter Red)
    - Scissorstorm
    - Shield Liger (White & Blue)
    - Shield Liger Holotech (Red Legs)