Zoids Graphics Extra : Gungyalado

    Gungyalado was one of the most sought after OJR Zoids of its time. Before the Graphics series surprised everyone and rereleased it, anyway. This Zoid looks very close to the original, and the come back of chrome on Zoids model kits is, to me, a welcome return.

    There are some pros and cons of this Zoid that need to be discussed. The biggest con that I felt was the stubborness of the chrome armor. This broke two blades, and chipped another, in the process of cutting it from the sprues and trimming. I've also heard many horror stories of the wings breaking, even during shipment, or coming broken in the box. I myself didn't have any problems with this, at all.

    In spite of those two cons, though, the Gungyalado is a unique and interesting kit. Its body has two modes, shifting from a quadruped to a biped.

    -One of few kits with true chrome
    -Translucent crimson wings
    -Unique design
    -Two modes, both motorized
    -Additional graphics book

    -Extremely difficult to cut armor (chrome sprues)
    -Fragile parts (Wings)
    -Alternate modes can be difficult to adjust

- Box and Inserts

    Gungyalado comes with an additional Graphics book, just as many of the Graphics Zoids do. There are a few pages, some with battle story information. I'm not sure if this is the same as what was printed on the OJR box or not, but it's a cool addition nonetheless.

    The box of this kit is also unique, in and of itself. The content portion of the box is built semi-normal, while the front is built like the cover of a book. It opens up to reveal the Graphics book.

Zoids Graphics Extra



The cockpit is made from the entire upper portion of the Gungyalado's head. This piece rotates forward at the nose, much like common liger type Zoids.

His jaws also open up. No picture of this, sadly, but I'll get one someday.

Depending on the mode, Gungyalado's neck can rotate up or down (or in this case, forwards).

While the Gungyalado's arms can actually move, they don't really stay in the position that they're changed to. They just sort of flop.

Alternate Modes:
Gungyalado has two different forms; something that's pretty rare for Zoids. The first is a quadruped form, and the second is a biped form. Both of these forms can move when motorized, which is pretty awesome. Even so, they can be a pain to shift from one to the other.

Gungyardos' wings attach on a small hinge joint. The sides of the 'ports' are obstructive to their movement though, so they can't stretch very far out.

I was pretty interested to see this Zoid has a drill for a tail. It's a really random feature. Half way down the silver chrome tail, there's another hinge so that the tail can flip upwards, at this point. After that, the very tip (the flat color drill) can also flip backwards.

Pulse Cannon:
GunGyarados' gun is adjusted to be able to face aerial Zoids. A circular plate at the base lets it flip backwards, or down (when in biped mode), while a plate on the actual weapon allows it to flip back into an upwards facing position.