- STK Orange Blade Liger

    The STK Blade Liger comes in a blue box that looks just like the standard Blade Ligers, but with the STK Logo. It's quite a nice kit. The orange is a wonderful scheme and for a bootleg, it's oddly not glaringly bad. There is minor fraying on some parts, like the black of the face fins (see photo 1) but these are easily trimmed.

    The quality of the black plastic was much worse. The blade easily snags and pieces don't want to trim very well. If you're not careful it'll take a slab of plastic with it, and scarring is very obvious.

    With the silver chrome the underlying color is gray so scarring isn't very obvious. The pieces fit well with the kit compared to other chromes, but you may still want to trim the teeth and blades.

    The box contents include the kit, basic gold teeth, chrome silver teeth, a red Zoid Core, and a stand with a loose peg that you're supposta put the core on (to look like a cat toy).

- Gimmicks

Legs and Paws:
    The legs suffer from a lot of the same problems as the official Blade Liger. They come off fairly easily and the feet can come off too, but the chrome does make it a little bit better, even if not by much.

    The boosters flip upwards and are covered by an orange panel that can rotate seperately from it.

Head Fins:
    If you haven't owned a previous D-Style Blade Liger it's worth noting that the fins on the top of the head are the only ones that move. There is no mane piece to accompany this like the other Blade Liger model kits.

    Pretty simple, jaws open and close~ Because of the mane they don't open very far.

    The D-Style Blade Liger's tail moves up and down. Not as easily as the rest, but it's strong enough not to snap.