- Zoids Planet Zi: Galaxy Quest
Zoids Planet Zi: Galaxy Quest is a three-volume manga series following the story of a young man named Kugo. His adventure begins when he crash lands on Zi in an attempt to pursue a mysterious distress signal, and as he encounters the wildlife (namely a large and ill-tempered König Wolf) he begins to uncover the truth about the signal, and the planet as a whole.
- Release Notes
Zoids Zi was first published in Japanese by Corocoro, but was later released in English by Chuangyi Comics (since gone out of business.) All three volumes were done with slightly modified covers.
- Translations
Our scans are actually of the original Japanese version and rescanlated using the English translations by Chuangyi. I did this for a couple of reasons. First, because I feel like translating the sound effects is an important part of the reading experience, and they were left in Japanese. Second, because some translations are inconsistent or don't match the Japanese text. This is especially true with important names. For example, the English version refers to the Wolf as Kaenig, Kaynihhi, and Koenig in a single chapter alone. I figured it was better to unify the names and translations.
- Japanese Release
English Name: Zoids Planet Zi: Galaxy Quest (Volume 1)
Japanese Name: ZOIDS惑星ZI
ISBN: ISBN4-09-143041-4
Price: 390 Yen
Pages: 189