- Introduction


    Are "Mechanical Lifeforms" that have a body made of metal and the instincts and fighting spirit of animals, and so they stand at the top of the ecosystem.

    A person that uses a Zoid is called a "Zoid Hunter" and is tied to Zoids with a powerful bond.

    When Zoids and humans have formed the ultimate bond, a hidden power awakens.

    ... That's "Instincts Unleashed."

    On this "Wild Continent" there are several Zoid Hunter organizations that fight against the Imperial rule, and lately the battle between Zoid Hunters has been bogged down, with the Death Metal Empire forcibly dominating Zoids and advancing their continental invasion...

Main Menu

    ZFX Camera Shoot
    This is a special camera part of the app where you can use your phone's camera to record videos of your Zoid model kits (or whatever, really~) and apply effects overtop. They're pretty basic, things like 'computer effects', fire, lightning, etc.

    Watch Assembly Instructional Videos
    If you're having trouble building your Zoid model kits, you can watch these instructional youtube videos. They go through the entire build process, so you know what to expect if something doesn't feel like it fits right.

    Play Game
    This will take you to the app game~

- Game Introduction

    To the east of the Wild Continent, The large Taiju Forest zone spreads from the cliffs of the Great Volcano Death Rocky to the Eastern zone's large forest... The rule of the Death Metal Empire has also been spreading here.

    Death Metal Empire Gallagher owns an elite guard unit known as Hard Rock, who have been entrusted with the invasion of the great Taiju Forest.

    Their rule has deprived the people of freedom and peace.

    A large part of the west side of the Great Taiju Forest has fallen under the rule of the Empire's Hard Rock unit.

    In the midst of it all, an organization has emerged to fight against the armed forces of the Empire.

    That organization is the "Liquid Team."

    It was formed by some Zoid Hunters to save people from the rule of the Empire.

    They ride Zoids and are trying to overthrow the rule of the Empire.

- Game Play Introduction

- Incoming Call

    Captain, nice to meet you.

    My name is Aqua, and I'll be in charge of your call operations.

    And once again, congratulations on your inauguration!

    I've been hearing about your reputation, to have the fastest success in Team Liquid.

    I'll support you as well, as best I can, so that the captain's unit can be active, so please don't hesitate to contact me.

- Incoming Call

    Captain! It's an emergency contact!

    A Battle Mission has just been reported!

    A transport team returning to Liquid headquarters base was attacked by a unit from Hard Rock!

    Captain! We're finally at the first battle.

    Here's a Zoid who'll be fighting together with our troops.

- Battle Mission Introduction

- Incoming Call

    We'll head to the site soon, together with our Zoids, and support our allies.

    First, from the mission list, select the mission "Sortie! The First Battle of Liquid's Rookie Commander!"

    Once you've chosen your mission, choose the Zoids you want to make up your next sortie.

    Please select "Kabtor Type P" this time.

    Zoid Selection is now complete.

    Please press this "Initiate" button.

    (You'll receive a popup asking if you'd like to initiate the mission.)

- Beginning the Battle

    Captain! We've encountered the Death Metal Imperial soldiers! The battle is on!

    In battle, both enemy and ally will choose one Zoid to attack each other.

    To begin, tap the Kabtor Type P to select it.

    The triangle in the middle of the screen shows you which Zoid types are strong against which. Each type is color coordinated so that you can see what's what at a glance. There may be some exceptions.

Type T (Technique, Yellow)     →     Type S (Speed, Green)     →     Type P (Power, Red)

    Let's try attacking with the selected Zoid.

    Zoids can achieve a stronger power by bonding with humans.

    The power of their bond with humans is called "Magirenaline."

    Magirenaline can be injected into the Zoid by tapping the screen.

    Let's injected Magirenaline into the Zoid by tapping, and attack!

    Next, I'll explain the "Instincts Unleashed."

    When injecting Magirenaline, when the bond between the Zoid and its partner reach their maximum, the "Instincts Unleashed Technique" (Wild Blast) is activated!

    The Wild Blast Technique can inflict massive damage to the enemy.

    So let's use the Wild Blast Technique by tapping until it reaches the maximum.

    By now you should've defeated the Raptor, and the battle should be over.

    Captain! Congratulations!

    We achieved our mission!

    By achieving the mission goal, you can earn rewards such as fossils and Zeni.

    When the mission's total score reaches 100%, it's marked as "Mission Clear."

- Zoid Restoration

Incoming Call

    Captain! Your first campaign was a huge success! Congratulations!

    To that tune, I'd like you to proceed to the next mission, but let's restore the Zoid from the fossils you got earlier.

    Now, first, please press the Zoid button.

    On this screen, you can check the Zoids and Fossils you have, and restore the fossils.

    In the "Fossils that can be restored" window, the Zoid that can be restored will be displayed first.

    Zoids that you own are displayed in the "Zoids" window.

    In the "Fossils" window, the fossils that you own are displayed.

    Many Zoids can be restored using the "Start-up Bone", "Bone", and "Exterior" fossils if you have the required number of each.

    The necessary number is displayed under the fossil image.

    If you don't have enough fossils, you can run missions to collect them.

    So, right now we have enough for one Kuwaga Type S. Let's restore it.

    Zeni is required for restoring Zoids, so we'll spend it now.

    Please press the Restoration button.

- Sortie the New Zoid!

    We succeeded in restoring the Zoid! With this, the Kuwaga Type S has joined our party.

    Let's have the newly acquired Zoid move out on a mission!

    Please select the mission "Encounter! Death Metal Imperial Reconnaissance" from the mission list.

    Captain! There's a Zoid undergoing repairs in our corps.

    Zoids whose physical strength has decreased in battle will be "under repair."

    We can't let Zoids undergoing "repairs" go out on missions.

    After waiting for a certain period of time, the repair will be completed.

    Please check the "suspension time."

    Let's finish the repairs by using the Zoid Diamonds this time.

    This time, I'll cover the special Zoid Diamond service.

    Please press the "Repair" button.

    The repair is over.

    Let's make the Zoid sortie out in the next mission.

    For now, please select the "Kabtor Type P" and "Kuwaga Type S."

    Since the Zoid selection is complete, please push the "Initiate" button.

- Discussing Zoid Types!

    Captain! We've encountered a Death Metal Imperial soldier! The battle is on!

    This time, I'll explain about the different types of Zoid.

    There are three types of Zoids. Type P, Type S, and Type T.

    These three types are the same as Janken (rock paper scissors) or Sansukumi (three way deadlock).

    If you attack using an advantageous type, the damage to the enemy is much greater, and if you attack with a disadvantageous type, damage to the enemy will be less.

    This time, all enemies are Type T, so let's select our Type P Zoid, which has the advantage.

    When you sortie, take a look at your Sansukumi chart!

    Type S is weak to Type T, so choosing this will reduce your damage against the enemy.

    This time, all enemies are Type T, so let's select the Type P Zoid that'd be advantageous for this fight, the Kabtor Type P.

    Note: At this point you'll complete the battle by selecting the red Kabtor and attacking until the enemies are defeated.

- Normal Missions!

    Captain! This time, a "Normal Mission" was added to the mission list, so I'll explain the normal missions now.

    Normal Missions are missions that require time to achieve, unlike Battle Missions.

    Please select the mission "Wild Zoid Capture" that was added to the mission list earlier.

    Captain! There's a Zoid in our corps undergoing repairs.

    Let's repair all of our Zoids using Zoid Diamonds.

    This time, we'll again provide the Zoid Diamonds for the service.

    Since the Zoid selection has been completed, please push the "Execute" button.

    You'll be able to execute the Normal Mission with this.

    From this display you can confirm the time required to achieve the mission. So, for example, Mission Accomplished after 00 Hours, 00 Minutes, and 00 Seconds.

    Until they finish their mission and return safely, you should take the day off and wait for the app, Captain.

    Basically, you wait for Normal Missions, but you can also shorten them by using Zoid Diamonds or watching video advertisements.

    For now, let's try to complete the mission using Zoid Diamonds.

    This time, we'll provide the Zoid diamonds for the service.

    Press the "Complete" button.

    Captain! Emergency contact!

    A Battle Mission has been reported!

    In the woods to the West of Liquid Headquarter's Base, friendly units are engaged in combat with attack forces from Death Metal's Genbu Base!

    The Imperial Army is strong and our ally troops are struggling.

Formidable Enemy! Death Metal Empire's Attack Forces
強敵! デスメタル帝国 攻撃隊
Percentage: 100%
Zoids Required: 2
    Gilraptor Type T x1 (Level 1)
    100 Zeni
    Scorpear Type P Fossil (Start-Up Bone)
    90 Zoid Diamonds
Opening Comment:    Near the western section of the Liquid Headquarters Base, our ally troops are battling the assault forces of Death Metal's Genbu Base. The enemy is strong, and our allies are struggling. You'll move as a separate unit and ambush the Death Metal army from the North.
Closing Comment:    Succeeded in driving away the attack forces from the Death Metal Empire's Genbu Base. The enemies received serious injuries, and we predict that there won't be another attack for the time being.

    Captain! There's a report.

    One new mission was added.

    Legendary Zoid Fossil Discovery 1

    Captain! That was a great job.

    Even though this was the first real war since becoming captain, now that we've come this far, we should be able to respond to this!

    From here, Captain, please select the mission to carry out and proceed.

    Normal Missions may take up to eight hours, so in those cases, you can just stop the application and wait until the next day.

    Once it reaches the next day, Battle Missions will also show up, so please come back and check the application every day.

    Let's do our best to defeat the Death Metal Empire!