- Zoids: Material Hunters - Events

    This page will archive a number of events since the beginning of the game. This doesn't include real-life campeigns with physical prizes. Those can be found archived on a separate campeign page.

    Throughout the games history events have been used as an additional way to provide Zoids gold to players, as well as large quantities of materials. It has also been a venue for releasing limited edition Zoids such as the Toy-Version Shield Liger an Pandos. Most of the time these events are based on gathering the most kills of a certain kind of Zoid, but occasionally there are also double experience events. Link

- Event Log

UPCOMING EVENT: Tarantula Infestation

Tarantula Infestation: Defeat the most number of Green Tarantulas from missions.
June 5th, 12:00 PM - Jun 8th, 11:59:59 AM

    1 ~ 50: "Toy Version" Shield Liger, 300 Zoids Gold
    51 ~ 150: Greennium Ore x60, 200 Zoids Gold
    151 ~ 300: Greennium Ore x40, 100 Zoids Gold
    301 ~ 500: Greennium Ore x20, 70 Zoid Gold
    501 ~ 1000: Greennium Ore x10, 50 Zoid Gold
    1001 ~ 2000: Greennium Ore x10, 30 Zoid Gold
    2001 ~ 3000: Greennium Ore x5, 20 Zoid Gold
    3001 ~ 5000: Greennium Ore x5, 10 Zoid Gold

Tarantula Infestation: Defeat the most number of Tarantulas (any color) from missions.
June 2nd, 12:00 PM - Jun 3rd, 11:59:59 AM

    1 ~ 3: 100 of Each Ore (Bluenium, Greennium, Rednium)
    4 ~ 1000: 30 of Each Ore (Bluenium, Greennium, Rednium)
    1001 ~ 2000: 20 of Each Ore (Bluenium, Greennium, Rednium)
    2001 ~ 3000: 10 of Each Ore (Bluenium, Greennium, Rednium)

Limited 1 Hour Double Experience Event: Complete missions for x2 Exp yield!
June 1st, 20:00 PM - June 1st, 21:00 AM

Molga Infestation: Defeat the most number of Molgas (any color) from missions.
May 26th, 12:00 PM - May 29th, 11:59:59 AM

    1 ~ 50: Pandos Zoid, 300 Zoid Gold
    51 ~ 150: Zoidnium Ore x100, 200 Zoid Gold
    151 ~ 300: Zoidnium Ore x70, 100 Zoid Gold
    301 ~ 500: Zoidnium Ore x50, 70 Zoid Gold
    501 ~ 1000: Zoidnium Ore x30, 50 Zoid Gold
    1001 ~ 2000: Zoidnium Ore x20, 30 Zoid Gold
    2001 ~ 3000: Zoidnium Ore x10, 20 Zoid Gold
    3001 ~ 5000: Zoidnium Ore x5, 10 Zoid Gold

Molga Infestation: Defeat the most number of Blue Molgas from missions.
May 21st, 12:00 PM - May 22nd, 11:59:59 AM

    1 ~ 100: 30 of Each Ore (Bluenium, Greennium, Rednium)
    101 ~ 250: 15 of Each Ore
    251 ~ 500: 10 of Each Ore
    501 ~ 1000: 5 of Each Ore
    1001 ~ 3000: 1 of Each Ore

Tarantula Infestation: Defeat the most number of tarantulas (any color) from missions.
May 17th, 12:00 PM - May 18th, 11:59:59 AM

    1 ~ 10: Pandos (1) Zoid
    11 ~ 25: Rednium Ore x10, 100 Zoid Gold
    26 ~ 75: Rednium Ore x7, 70 Zoid Gold
    76 ~ 150: Rednium Ore x7, 50 Zoid Gold
    151 ~ 250: Rednium Ore x5, 50 Zoid Gold
    251 ~ 750: Rednium Ore x5, 50 Zoid Gold
    751 ~ 1500: Rednium Ore x3, 10 Zoid Gold
    1501 ~ 3000: Rednium Ore x2, 5 Zoid Gold
    3001 ~ 5000: 5 Zoid Gold