- Basic Combat Information

HP - Your Zoid's Hit Points. This is how much damage it can take from enemy weapons before you lose the battle.

EN - Energy. This is used for Option Parts. Most Zoids have default boosters, but you can change this with shop equipment. It goes down fast, and recharges while not in use.

Time - Time remaining until you lose the mission.

Round - How many rounds remain in the fight. By default, all battles are 1 round.

Enemy Data - This will show how close your enemy is to being defeated. By default you fight 1 enemy at a time.

Enemy Casualties - This is how many enemies have been defeated. To get a reward / win, you must defeat a certain amount. If you have defeated enough to 'win' the battle by default, the number will turn blue. Until then, it is red.

Weapon Status - The orange bar shows the reload time until you can fire your weapon again. The number in the lower right shows how much ammunition the weapon has overall. Gatling guns will eat bullets, double barreled weapons will use 2 at a time, etc. Know your machine. If the weapon is on the left, it will use L1. If the weapon is on the right, it'll use R1. If it's in the middle, you'll have to hold down both to use it.

Radar - This will show you the battle field, and any enemies on it. Crossing the yellow border will trigger an alarm, notifying you that you're going out of bounds. If you cross the red border, you lose the battle by default.

- Game Controls

    Well I guess the most important thing to mention is that this game has two (or more) joypad settings. I can't use Type A to save my life, so I'll only be covering Type B. This can be changed in the configuration menu of the game.

    In Combat Controls:

Triangle/Circle: Swivel Square: Nothing? X: Jump
L1: Left Weapon R1: Right Weapon L1 + R1: Center Weapon L2 + L2: Extra Weapon R2: Weapon Switch

    * Swiveling towards the opponent does not work during a stand still, or without boosters.

Further Explanation:

    Swiveling spins your Zoid to face the enemy directly.

    Jumping is mostly useless, but you can use it when energy runs out.

    Weapon function will depend on the weapon. You'll see your weapon name, ammunition, etc, listed at the bottom. Weapons on the left side of the screen will use L1 to fire. R1 if it's on the right, and if it's in the middle, hold both buttons to fire.

    Secondary Weapon Function is only with a select few weapons. Bladed Zoids in particular. Hold down L2, R2, or both, to use blades (this will often lock your Zoid into a forward-running charge, unable to turn.)

    Switching Weapons switches the secondary weapons that are docked.