- Zoids: Bonds of Steel Library
The Library is intended to archive all data that we have of Zoids in the Bonds of Steel game. Since the game will be removed from the company's roster soon it may not be possible to get the stats of all Zoids in time, but we are expecting to at least have all images.
At the moment Zoids are being added a few at a time. Some may be added in between old ones; they're being added in the order that they appear in the game. We will make sure that future updates contain green borders around Zoids that are new.
- List of Zoids
I'm in the process of revamping how this section works because having a page for each color is a little ridiculous. Instead sometime in the future I'll switch to having them all on one page for each Zoid type. It'll be cleaner than this looks now, I just don't want to do the formatting until the section is complete, since otherwise it'll take a lot of recoding every time I update.
Cannon Tortoise
- Cannon Tortoise (Red)
- Cannon Tortoise (Yellow)
Command Wolf
- Command Wolf (Green)
- Command Wolf (Irvine Color)
- Command Wolf (Red)
- Feelesworder (Blue)
- Feelesworder (Green)
- Feelesworder (Pink)
- Feelesworder (Red)
- Feelesworder (Yellow)
Fire Phoenix
- Fire Phoenix (Black)
Giraf Sworder
- Girafsworder (Orange)
- Godos (Green)
- Godos (Red)
Gun Sniper
- Gun Sniper (Black)
- Gun Sniper (Green)
- Awakened Gun Sniper (Leena Special)
- Gun Sniper (Leena Special)
- Gun Sniper (Naomi Special)
- Toge Sniper
- Guysack (Band of Thieves Specification)
- Guysack (Gray)
- Guysack (Purple)
- Helcat (Black)
- Helcat (Brown)
- Hien (Black)
Killer Dome
- Killer Dome (Brown)
Leo Striker
- Leo Striker (Red)
Lightning Saix
- Lightning Saix (Green)
- Lightning Saix (White)
- Maccurtis (Black)
- Maccurtis (Red)
- Molga (Blue)
- Molga (Camouflage Khaki)
- Molga (Enhanced Gold)
- Molga (Ice Ax)
- Molga (Pink Camouflage)
- Molga (Red)
- Pteras (Bomber Specification)
- Pteras (Red)
- Pteras (White)
- Redler (Green)
- Redler (Yellow)
- Reelga (Ice Ax)
- Reelga (Khaki)
Rev Raptor
- Rev Raptor (White)
- Spinosappa (Brown)
- Spinosappa (Green)
Sword Wolf Crusher
- Sword Wolf Crusher (White)
- Zabat (Blue)
- Zabat (Green)
- List of Zoids
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