- Zoids: Bonds of Steel Game Play
Covering game play is a little scattered, but I'll do my best! Please note that I don't read Japanese so translations will be descriptive, not literal. First we'll go over some of the basic stats and information that you'll need to know!
- Home Page

The top menu of the game has four links. All or self explanatory. The gacha page is where you can guy the random gachapons (item boxes that give you one randomized item.)
Important Announcement: End of Service
This is the prominantly displayed orange banner. It is a page detailing that Zoids: Bonds of Steel is scheduled to shut down on September 1st, 2014. At this point the game will be lost forever, as unfortunate as that is!
Receive Gifts:
If you've completed a mission or received items from an event you'll need to go to the home page to collect them. This will be set as a link under your profile picture.
Event Advertisements:
These are advertisements if currently running events of gachapons. They are almost all pay-to-play, using GREE Points, which are purchased from the website by credit card.
- Home Page Continuation
Gacha: Where to buy gachas.
Battle: Where to battle other players.
Enhance: Attach pilot cards and the like to your Zoids.
Equip: Add weaponry to your Zoids.
Level: #/100
Your current level. The cap can be raised but I haven't yet come to the need to find out how. When you have stat points from leveling up you'll see a number (+4 or however many) beside the level area. Click on this and you can choose to put those points into raising your max AP or max BP. You gain 6 points upon a quest level up and 2 points upon clearance of each area within a quest.
Comrades: 0/23
Comrades can help you with leading raids against other members. Once you've been a comrade with someone for two weeks you are also able to receive trades and gifts from them, which is something normally restricted. They also provide power boosts during quests.
AP: Action Points
AP is used during quests. Each time you encounter a Zoid and attack, you use a certain number of AP (dependant on the area). AP can be generated in a number of ways, but a warning: Don't use potions to restore AP if you are close to leveling up, or it'll be a big waste!
- AP generates 1 Point per minute
- Potions can regenerate either 50% or 100% of AP
- AP will regenerate 100% when you level up
BP: battle Points
Battle points are consumed when launching an attach against another player, or when encountering Rare, Clone, Boss, or Ultimate Zoids in Quest mode. In Quest mode they act the same way as BP, regenerating at the same amount, but are used in place of AP during these fights.
Galos are the in-game currency, which can be used in the shop. You obtain galos by completing battles and quests. You can also sell weapons or pilot cards that you don't need from your inventory.
Bonds Pt: Bonds Points
Bonds points are in-game brownie points received when completing different areas or missions. These can be used to purchase gachapons, which will give you new items!
How many Zoids you have Vs. how many you can hold. The maximum number of Zoids that you can hold will go up as you complete more quests and level up your characters.
W/P: Weapons and Pilots
The number of weapons and pilot cards in your inventory. Your inventory has a maximum capacity that will go up over time, so be sure to sell any extras that you don't need periodically!
Hangar: Warehouse
Technically called the Warehouse, but there wasn't room for that! The Warehouse is where you can temporarily store Zoids if you're running low on spac. If you're at maximum capacity you can move a Zoid to the warehouse to free up an inventory slot. Zoids cannot be moved to the warehouse if they have a pilot or weapon equipped, or if they are in the battle formation.
Zoids to Hangar:
Click this to move Zoids to your hangar if you need to!
Arrange Zoids in your party!
Recruit troops to your side! This is effectively a team feature where you can build a small army with other players to raid enemies.
Your pilot status. This will be where you can also view your library and other assets!
- Strengthening Your Zoids!

This page allows you to enhance weapons and pilot cards. You can sacrifice either strengthening parts (given upon completion of each area in a quest and through gachas) or even other weapons to give 'experience' to another card.
Each pilot has a certain percentage in which they increase the attack and defensive properties of your Zoid. Switching the pilot may give you a substantial boost in power! When you start the game you receive a Nina card and an Irvine card. Others can be found through gachapons and questing.
The blue buttons underneath of the change items one are what sort of items you're viewing. The first button is View All, the second is Armament, the third is Pilot.
The item list has a button on each weapon to equip. If there's a red bar on something, it's saying that the item is already equipped! The drop down box is just how to sort items on the list.

This section is for your Zoid. The blue button that's translated is for changing what sort of armaments you have installed.
Level: 4/40
Total BP Cost: 8/6, Not sure how this functions?
I believe the other two items are attack and defense, possibly with their total revised. I can't seem to get accurate translations of those, so if anyone wants to help please send us a message through the contact page!

This page details the items equipped to your Zoid, and items you would like to add. Zoids can equip a ton of weapons, so at the very top you'll see Slots A-D, the back slot, special items, and the pilot that you can install to each Zoid!
When you've installed a weapon in a slot the first thing you see in each category is that weapon. The red bar indicates that it has already been equipped to your Zoid, so of course, can't be equipped again!
The list below are items that can be switched out in place of the already equipped version. Click the bottom on each profile. The drop down menus are how to sort them, which should go by level, BP, exp, attack, etc.

On this page (Organization, the third blue button at the top) you'll choose the organization of your Zoids. This is essentially where you're setting a party that will accompany you on quests. The Leader Zoid is the Zoid that will lead you into battle as the first machine. You'll be change to switch them out later.
Change Zoid:
Change which Zoid is in the leader position, or the following positions.
Change the equipment currently installed to your Zoid.
This allows you to remove a Zoid from your current organization.
Change Order in Party:
This will change where a Zoid appears when you enter combat. The Leader Zoid is the first active unit, and the other two will follow.