- The Jet Black Devil-Beast! Drei Panther!

 Rapidly losing hope of the Liger's survival, the group is shocked to realize that a terminal in the area has activated in reaction to the Genospino's destructive warpath. They quickly go to investigate while the fortress faces a rise of Jaminga. Is it possible that the Liger can still be saved?

- Characters

Featured Characters:
Buzz Cunningham
Byrne Blood
Jo Aysel
Leo Conrad
Sally Land
Clive Dias
Christopher Giller
Frank Land
Jonathan Siegal
Victor Spiegel

Featured Zoids:
Proto Beast Liger
Gatling Fox
Drei Panther
Sniptera "Red Reaper"
Bazootle GU
Catalga Empire Spec.
Gilraptor GU
Raptor GU
Raptoria Republic Spec.
Scorpear GU
Triceradogos Kai

- Notable Facts

  • As the Lead Science Advisor, Land is granted general-class power.

  • The Genospino is said to put a burden on the pilot unlike any other Zoid, requiring the pilot to have excellent physical ability and advanced control techniques.

  • This episode lists an Olsen Unit from the 7th District.

  • - Zoid Profile: Drei Panther

    Panther-Type Zoid
     Known as the "Jet-Black Demon Beast", it specializes in solo stealth operations and snipes its opponents while muffling the sound of its footsteps.

      Speed: 7    Attack: 9    IQ: 9    Stamina: 7    Defense: 8    Wild Blast: 9

    - Screen Glyphs

    - Sequence of Events

  • As reports came in about the Genospino's progress, Dias left to join another unit and catch up.

  • In an attempt to save the Liger, Leo, Sally, and Buzz began repairs, while Byrne worked on the Gatling Fox. Though Liger still lived, they couldn't remove its armor due to shrapnel.

  • Heading for Neo Helic, Aldridge started to feel the severe strain of piloting the Genospino.

  • To everyone's surprise, the area began to metalize. However, when the pendant reacted, Sally sensed that there must be a vortex nearby. She theorizes that its initial spin out of control was connected to the destruction caused by the Genospino. Whatever the cause, they had to find the terminal.

  • Siegal was tasked by Dr. Land to find the Regeneration Cube terminal.

  • Drei Panther launched from the base.

  • With Leo and Sally gone to investigate the terminals, Jaminga began appearing in the area. Both above ground and below ground. However, while fighting them off, Leo and Sally found a tunnel hidden behind the wall (with Raptoria's help, of course.)

  • Giller crossed into Republican territory and requested to land at their base. There he approached Dias about his goal to clear Collins' name, and his interest in working with the Republic to achieve that goal. He even offered up the use of his Sniptera, saying that they had the right to use a prisoner's Zoid however they saw fit.

  • The Republic's Raptorias then started getting sniped by an unknown Zoid. One that had even managed to sniff out Byrne's Gatling Fox. The Zoid, having cornered the fox, came out of the shadows and was revealed to be the Drei Panther.

  • As Buzz sat alone with the Liger, it suddenly awakened and walked into the lake, Buzz powerless to stop it.

  • As Liger sank into the lake it was encased in a box of metal and pipes. The Terminal activated and the lake shined with a pillar of golden light.

  • The episode closes with Byrne facing the Drei Panther.

  • - Screenshots