- 1: Birth! Beast Liger

 Our story opens with two characters, Buzz and Leo, who run a small courier service. As a side gig they delve into the depths of ruined cities that lie on the other side of Aegis Valley, searching for motherboards from old computers to sell the precious metals used for them.

 During one of their expeditions, Leo and Buzz hear the scream of a young girl. They find her wearing a mask, a peculiar sight from someone of their generation. Soon after, the Empire comes to reclaim the girl. Buzz and Leo work together to evade the Empire's capture attempts and escape with Sally to keep her safe.

- Characters

Featured Characters:
Buzz Cunningham
Leo Conrad
Sally Land
Luc ---

Featured Zoids:
Beast Liger
Proto Beast Liger
Proto Beast Liger (Courier)
Cannon Bull
Scorpear (Empire Spec.)
Ankyrox (Blue)
Catalga (Imperial Army Spec.)
Death Rex (Black)
Fangtiger (Red)
Gilraptor (Beige)
Kabtor (Slate)
Knuckle Kong
Kuwaga (Green)
Scorpear (Imperial Army Spec.)

- Notable Facts

  • The Earth was once reduced to ruin due to severe tectonic and weather activity across the world, which began following the fall of a gigantic flying object from space. During this period, Zoids also appeared on Earth, and rampaged through the cities.

  • The story takes place in New Earth Year 0030.

  • Leo equipped the Proto Beast Liger with boosters in attempt to jump Aegis Valley, one of the massive fissures that opened during Earth's earlier turmoil. This would shave several hours off of their courier commute, tripling their efficiency.

  • Aegis Valley also provides a natural separation between the ruins and the currently established city, preventing Jamminga (small defunct Zoids) from invading their every day life.

  • It's noted that it's quite unusual for Sally to have to wear a mask, because only the previous generation had to.

  • When Sally's pendant glows, she throws it at the Proto Beast Liger, transforming it into the Beast Liger. Up until this point, Leo had simply called it "Liger". However, it was Sally that first noted it to be the Beast Liger, a Zoid that she recognized. Leo heard this and accepted the name. At the same time that it was transformed, Sally's breathing improved, allowing her to properly breath the atmosphere, and Leo's body went through a metalization process. This resulted in several portions of his body being turned mechanical. After the battle, Luc notes this to be the product of Dr. Bowman's life-long research.

  • Luc mentions that Leo shouldn't be able to withstand the extreme strain of using a Wild Blast without a Blast-Proof Suit. Both Machine Blasts and Evo Blasts are also mentioned to be Wild Blasts, implying them as a sub-category instead of a separate thing.

  • - Zoid Profile: Beast Liger

    Legendary Lion-Type Zoid
    Evo Blast:
      Stage 1: Beast of Claw
      Stage 2: Beast of Claw Break

      Speed: 8    Attack: 9    IQ: 8    Stamina: 8    Defense: 6    Wild Blast: 9

    Beast Liger! A legendary lion-type Zoid with a white and red mane. It boasts high combat abilities and mobility. When it uses its Evo Blast, Mane Claws deploy from its back and it changes into a more aggressive form. These Mane Claws characteristically deploy in two stages so that they can attack with the appropriate reach. For the first stage, three huge red claws, the Red Mane Claws appear. And for the second stage, golden claws, the Gold Mane Claws appear! It can launch its certain-kill attack, Beast Of Claw Break!

    - Screen Glyphs

    - Screenshots