- Pukya

    Name: Pukya
    Zoid: None
    Role: Chief of Baseba Village

- Personality

    Pukya is a lot more judgemental than Tohha. He shows up to size up his competitions and plays the rivalry off cooler than his opponent. Make no mistake, he's just as determined to overthrow his rival, and is supposedly the first one to employ a real Zoid for the fights. Pukya laughs in a patter mimicing his name. "Pukyahahaha."

- Past

    Currently unknown.

- Featured In Episodes


- Adventure Thus Far

    Pukya has lead Baseba village for some time, and while the village has had a long tradition of giant Zoid puppet fights, he decided to escalate this challenge by introducing real Zoids. His chosen champion was Kuroame and his mighty Grachiosaurus. For all intents and purposes he should've won the competition, but it was tragically interrupted by Death Metal, and no conclusion occurred.