- Drake
Name: Drake
Zoid: Gilraptor
Team: Death Metal
Rank: Elite Four
Boss: Gallagher
Team Mates:
- Caviar
- ???
- Foie Gras
- Drake has pointed teeth, for some reason.
- Gallagher calls him "Drakey" (Drake-chan in Japanese.)
- Personality
Drake is an aggressive and generally irritable person. He doesn't like playing games or wasting time, and he has no interest in the shenanigans of the lesser Death Metal employees. If Drake interacts with someone at all, it'll usually be to express violence. This extends to Zoids as well; he views them as just tools, not living animals.
- Past
Currently unknown.
- The Elite Four
Drake is a member of Death Metal's Elite Four: The four strongest pilots under Gallagher himself. It's said that each member of this group has the power to bring down at least one or two villages on their own. Presumeably, each member would also own a Death Metal Key, which forces a Zoid to unleash its instincts.
- Personal Possessions
- Death Metal Key
A rare and unusual item. This presumeably takes the place of a normal Zoid Key, and is designed to force a Zoid to unleash its instincts in a manner similar to a Wild Blast. Pushing a button on the handle activates the key and they're then able to insert it into the slot to activate the Death Blast. The problem is that this process puts the Zoid in a great deal of pain. It still obeys the pilot, but focuses its anxious energy on attacking a target with brutal force. Death Blasts are red in color, instead of green like the Wild Blast.
- Featured In Episodes
- Zoid: Gilraptor
Introductory Episodes: 4
Death Blast: ???
Drake's Gilraptor is an obediant Zoid, but unlike the lesser Raptor species, it's more than willing to walk around under its own power. It follows any orders given, but when left to its own devices the Zoid is violent, much like its master. Attack first, ask questions later. It's also the first Zoid to use its Death Blast, which almost allowed it to kill Arashi and the Wild Liger.
- Adventure Thus Far
Drake was dispatched by Gallagher to help find the Wild Liger, and joined up with The Rap Squad in the process. However, strangely, right as the battle was about to conclude, he was called away by Gallagher to go to a party. Even when he expressed that he was just about to capture the Wild Liger, he was ordered to leave.