- Shield Liger

- Technical Information

Pilots: Leon Toros
Team: Team Blitz

 The Shield Liger was Leon's first Zoid, before he got his Blade Liger. It only appeared in battles in Episode 1, fighting against Team Tigers. Afterwards which Leon decided to leave the team, appreciating that there was now another Zoid Warrior who could fill his place. However, throughout his journeys, the Shield Liger was totaled during their many battles, and Leon was forced to abandon his Zoid.

- Featured Episodes

1  16 


Vs. Team Tigers, Episode 1

In the Shield Liger's first shown battle it was up against Team Tigers. Even with the other two Zoids pinned down, the Shield Liger was able to topple one of the Sabers with its shield, injuring its leg. Before it could continue, the Liger unfortunately tripped over Bit's camouflaged truck and was, itself, damaged. This caused the battle to be rescheduled for a later time.

- Shield Liger BS

- Technical Information

Pilots: None
Team: None

 Bang Freiheit's Shield Liger makes a cameo in New Century Zero as both a virtual game piece as well as a Zoid stored in Harry Champ's hangar.