The Grand Prix, a racing competition always opened by the Guylos Emperor has been put at risk by rumors of an assassin. 'Phantom' was hired by loyalists of the former Regent Prozen, and even though his clients were arrested he was honor bound to carry out the job.
The Guardian Force is called in to protect Rudolph during this event, and Moonbay, revealed to be a former racer enters herself! Her flame-painted Sinker comes back out onto the track for its return to fame.
- Characters
Featured Characters:
Dr. D
Featured Zoids:
Sinker BS
Sinker GS
Sinker LFB
Sinker MS
Sinker RS
Gun Sniper PS
Godos LFB PC
Godos MS PC
Godos PC
Redler BC
Whale King
- Notable Facts
The Grand Prix is a massive racing event held on one of the southern resort islands. It focuses on Sinker racing, with many modified units coming out to participate. The race has 30 laps, and the track is surrounded by an electromagnetic fence.
Moonbay used to be a racer in the Grand Prix, which is a Sinker racing event in a southern resort island. She unexpectedly dropped out of the circuit 4 years ago.
The engine for Moonbay's Sinker was liberated from the military in lieu of the gold he never got.
The other racers from the event are all named after famous English singers. The pilots listed are "Lemmy" Kilmister, who lead the race at first in his dark grey-blue Sinker (based on the founder and lead singer of Motörhead), Graham Bonnet who trailed second in his green Sinker (based on the rock singer and songwriter), Bruce Dickinson who trailed third in his pink Sinker (based on the lead singer of the heavy metal band Iron Maiden), and Osbourne in a white and red Sinker (based off of famous singer, songwriter, and TV personality Ozzy Osbourne).
Moonbay's racing title was The Legendary Fireball.
The customized Gun Sniper was only a distraction, and detonates in spite of not taking a direct hit.
The mysterious racer Masquerade turned out to be Rudolph, disguised as a racer while a hologram of himself remained behind to distract his would-be assassin.
- Deleted Scenes From Episode 53
Comments: Mostly drinking and gun violence. The clip at the end is shown in part in the dub, but not all of it.