- Rudolph Gerhard Zeppelin III
Age: Unknown
Allegiance: Guylos Empire
Occupation: Guylos Imperial Emperor
Zoid(s): ---
Associates With:
Ralph (Superior Officer)
Character Summaries:
Rudolph had his work cut out for him following the war. He had to rebuild the Empire capitol that had been destroyed by the Death Saurer and help to repair damages done to their reputation. For this reason he isn't readily around for a while, but does take the initiative to warn the Helic Republic when dangerous Zoids leave Imperial territory.
In attention, Rudolph begins to travel with Rosso and Viola in their efforts to crush rebellions. He tends to act as the co-pilot for Rosso's Storm Sworder and introduces Viola as the Sword of Storms during their mottos. He isn't actually shown to do much.