- Stealth Viper

Pilots: ---

     The Stealth Viper is a Zoid of the Republic that was never seen until Zoids Guardian Force, where it was stolen by a subordinate of Hiltz and used to attack a series of Republican and Imperial bases. This cobra based Zoid is incredibly flexible, able to twist and turn every segment of its body.

Featured Episodes: 35
Weapon Overview:
    16mm Heavy Vulcan:Stealth Viper's normally have a small gun muzzle on the lower right side of the face, but in the anime these aren't actually shown.     40mm Heavy Machinegun: These two guns are equipped to the bottom of the Stealth Viper's hood. They fire bullets in rapid succession and are the main weapon used by the serpent.
    Small Caliber Anti-aircraft Laser Machinegun x2: Two machineguns that are attached to the sides of the Stealth Viper, on the large section in the center.     2-Shot Rocket Launcher: Even more weapons! These two guns are attached to the sides of the tail and can rotate to face upwards.
    Anti-Aircraft Missile x2: The last weapon is a tail installed weapon. They sit atop the tip of the tail, giving them excellent rotational abilities to target Zoids on the ground or in the air.     No weapon listed.
Equipment Overview:
    Smoke Dispenser x4: These are attached to each side of the viper, in between sections. When active, smoke jets out from the segments and creates a huge stealth range of effect.