- Red Horn
Pilots: Rosso, Homaleph
Red Horn is a fairly powerful Imperial Zoid, built for heavy armor tanking. While the standard issue is supposed to be red, the newer Imperial Army seems to mobilize mostly Dark Horn units instead, with most of the red varients being fairly out of date. Rosso is the only notable pilot of a Red Horn.
Featured Episodes: |
4 | 8 | 13 | 28 | 30 | 32 | 33 | 42 | 47 | 49 |
Weapon Overview: |
Crasher Horn: The Red Horn has ... well, a giant horn on its nose. This is an extremely effective close range weapon. |
Anti-Zoid 3-Barrel Linear Cannon: The large gun that's placed on the rear half of the Dark Horn's back. It fires thick cannon shells at the enemy. |
All-Weather Missile Pod: The silver weapon atop the other back gun. It fires three rounds, but does not have any additional ammunition stored. |
80mm Anti-Aircraft 2-Barrel Beam Cannon: The second gun that's on the back, this one closer to the shoulders. It fires an energy based shot. |
AEZ 20mm Beam Cannon x2: The small guns on the tail. They rarely see use in the anime. |
TEZ 20mm Linear Laser Gun x2: Two silver beam guns. These are attached to the backs of the legs and are rear facing. |
High Pressure Focused Sulfuric Acid Sprayer: Well, if ever there was a horrific sounding weapon, this would be it. Unfortunately, it's never animated the way that it's supposed to be. It's the silver gun under the chin. |
No weapon listed. |
Equipment Overview: |
No custom equipment. |
- Red Horn BG
Pilots: Seepers
The Red Horn BG is actually more or less the exact same Zoid as the Dark Horn. It has all the same weapons with no real variation, besides the fact that it's still painted red, instead of black and green.
Weapon Overview: |
Hybrid Vulcan: This is the Red Horn's primary weapon. It fires automatic rounds. Though they are not listed in the official weapons list, it also has other weapons listed on the side. |
Beam Launcher: The largest single barrel gun along side the Hybrid Vulcans. |
Anti-Zoid 3-Barrel Linear Cannon: This weapon hasn't actually been removed from the original Red Horn, it has just been moved to the right side of the Hybrid Vulcan. |
Long Range Cannon:This weapon is installed to the left side of the Beam Vulcan, above the center of the back. It fires a high powered cannon shot. |
Equipment Overview: |
No custom equipment. |
- Dark Horn
Pilots: Marcus, Medlanik, Dennis, Raodo, Glen
The Dark Horn equivelant of the Red Horn is an upgraded unit that sees most of its use in the new Empire. The Zoid is not just a different color scheme but has also been upgraded with additional weaponry. Most notably is the gattling gun set up on the back, packing two or three additional weapons into one. It is noted that the Dark Horn has a 360 degree range of fire.
Featured Episodes: |
7 | 15 | 17 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 24 | 25 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 41 | 47 |
Weapon Overview: |
Hybrid Vulcan: This is the Dark Horn's primary weapon. It fires automatic rounds. Though not listed in official weapons list, it also has other weapons listed on the side. |
Beam Launcher: The largest single barrel gun along side the Hybrid Vulcans. |
Anti-Zoid 3-Barrel Linear Cannon: This weapon hasn't actually been removed from the original Red Horn, it has just been moved to the right side of the Hybrid Vulcan. |
Long Range Cannon:This weapon is installed to the left side of the Beam Vulcan, above the center of the back. It fires a high powered cannon shot. |
Equipment Overview: |
No custom equipment. |
- Dark Horn MK-II
Pilots: Raven
An unofficial name. This is a second generic color scheme for the Dark Horn, and it's all about doubling up. It has very little color difference, besides having silver horns instead of black. It has additional weaponry from the other standard Dark Horn, and was stolen temporarily by Raven when he attacked a base.
Weapon Overview: |
Hybrid Vulcan x2: This weapon is possibly just a Beam Vulcan. On all Dark Horns. Nonetheless, this variant has two of them. |
Anti-Zoid 3-Barrel Linear Cannon x2: The Beam Launcher has been removed. An additional Linear Cannon has been added to the second Hybrid Vulcan. |
Crasher Horn x2: This customized version of the Dark Horn has had an additional, smaller horn added. |
No weapon listed. |
Equipment Overview: |
No custom equipment. |
- Dark Horn MK-II MS
Pilots: Raven
"Mcman Special"
Dark Horns with a double Beam Gatling unit weren't seen until later in the series, and would generally be very expensive. McMan, however, happens to have lots of these Zoids stored in under ground hangars. They work on remote control, to boot.
Weapon Overview: |
Hybrid Vulcan x2: This weapon is possibly just a Beam Vulcan. On all Dark Horns. Nonetheless, this variant has two of them. |
Anti-Zoid 3-Barrel Linear Cannon x2: The Beam Launcher has been removed. An additional Linear Cannon has been added to the second Hybrid Vulcan. |
Crasher Horn x2: This customized version of the Dark Horn has had an additional, smaller horn added. |
No weapon listed. |
Equipment Overview: |
No custom equipment. |