- Hammer Head

Pilots: ---

    The Hammer Head is perhaps one of the most advanced aquatic Zoids seen in Guardian Force. Like many other Zoids before its time, it was first seen piloted by a main character and later was used by the Republican Army. In this case, the first use witnessed in the show was by Rease, who tried to destroy Van's Blade Liger with it. The Zoid is seen multiple times afterwards, traveling above ground, in the air, or submerged in water. The default color is a yellowish brown.
Featured Episodes: 49 55
Weapon Overview:
    AZ 30mm Hyper Beam Gun x2:The two barreled guns that are on each fin. The firing angle is kind of awkward for these, so they don't see frequent use.     AZ 2-Barrel Pulse Laser Gun: A set of lasers that are installed to the tail. These two aren't actually very visible.
    AZ Maneuver Missile Pod:The two pods that are in each side of the head contain missiles that'll hone in on a target. These work under water as torpedos, and are one of the stronger weapons of the Hammer Head. There are also missile pods in the back, but there's no name distinguishment between the two.     AZ 30mm 2-Barrel Hyper Shock Cannon: These weapons are stationed on the under side of the Hammer Head's face. They're not used often, but are one of the most functional of its weapons.
Equipment Overview:
    Ion Booster x2: These two boosters are on the back, around the dorsal fin. They greatly improve the speed of the Hammer Head while under water. A white, glowing ring on them is constantly rotating.     Ion Pulse Jet: Like the Boosters, these items have an ever rotating ring around them. They help with propulsion of the Zoid.

- Presidential Hammer Head

Pilots: ---

    This custom colored Hammer Head is used to transport the President of the Helic Republic. There is no custom equipment shown in the show, but it certainly has a lot of small color details. It is usually escorted by other aerial combat units.
Featured Episodes: 48
Weapon Overview:
    No custom weaponry.
Equipment Overview:
    No custom equipment.

- Hammer Head RS

Pilots: ---

    "Rease Special"
    Traditionally Hammer Head Zoids are dark brown, like this one, but throughout the series they're shown to be closer to a yellowish brown. The dark brown unit was piloted by Rease, and was the first Hammer Head seen in the series. This Zoid was extremely mobile in water.
Featured Episodes: 46
Weapon Overview:
    No custom weaponry.
Equipment Overview:
    No custom equipment.