- Godos

Pilots: ---

    The Godos is a low power Republican Zoid that is often deployed in large numbers. Most often it's used as cannon fodder for the enemy, and has rarely seen success in battle unless it was piloted by a significant side character.

Featured Episodes: 7 11 12 14 18 34
Weapon Overview:
    Crusher Claws: In the Godos never really relies on its claws for attack. In fact, the lower portion of the arms, from the elbow down are often removed for customization with other equipment.
    Smash-Up Tail: Another weapon that never really sees use in the show.
    Small-Bore Particle Beam Gun: I believe this is the gun on the sides, but I'm not 100% sure. It is the primary weapon used throughout the series and is forward-firing only.
    Double-Barreled Anti-Aircraft Laser Machinegun: The back mounted guns of the Godos. They rarely see use.

    Small-Bore Anti-Aircraft Laser Machinegun x2: The small guns on the tail. These aren't really used in the anime..

    No weapon listed.
Equipment Overview:
    No custom equipment.

- Godos Gunner

Pilots: Raven

    The Godos Gunner follows the design of many other Godos in the series, which features arms that have been removed from the elbow down and reequipped with something else. In this case, the reinstalled equipment is a set of cannon barrels, one on each arm. This Zoid is piloted briefly by Raven to destroy a Republican base, but dies in the process.

Featured Episodes: 42
Weapon Overview:
    Cannon x2: These heavy cannons are installed in place of the forearms. They're decently powerful.     Anti-Zoid Missile: While other Godos' long ranged weapons are all considered beam guns, the Godos Gunner is seen using missiles.
Equipment Overview:
    No custom equipment.

- Godos Pile Driver

Pilots: ---

    This Godos was first deployed along with the Guysack Worker in the excavation of ancient ruins. The giant pile driver on the right arm is able to act as a drill to break up rocks and other thick materials that may be getting in the way of excavation.

Featured Episodes: 37
Weapon Overview:
    Pile Driver: The right side arm of this Godos has been replaced with the Pile Driver, a high powered drilling weapon used to shatter rock and other difficult materials.
Equipment Overview:
    No custom equipment.

- Godos Pit Crew

Pilots: ---

    A standard Godos. This unit is used as the pit crew during racing events, and act the same as a standard pit crew would, using Godos to tune up the Sinkers that they're working for.

Featured Episodes: 53
Weapon Overview:
    No custom weaponry.
Equipment Overview:
    Basic Antenna: A communications device. It links up with the Sinker of each respective team.

- Godos Pit Crew Stop

Pilots: ---

    This Godos has its tail curled around a very large red signal. The signal is to inform the Sinker of when it needs to be stationary. After the tune ups are finished the Godos steps out of the way to signal that the Sinker can take off again.

Featured Episodes: 53
Weapon Overview:
    No custom weaponry.
Equipment Overview:
    No custom equipment.

- Godos Pit Crew "The Legendary Fireball"

Pilots: ---

    These gold Godos work as Moonbay's pit crew, and help to tune up her customized Sinker between laps. They're the same as the standard Pit Crew.

Featured Episodes: 53
Weapon Overview:
    No custom weaponry.
Equipment Overview:
    Basic Antenna: A communications device. It links up with the Sinker of each respective team.

- Godos Pit Crew "The Legendary Fireball" Stop

Pilots: ---

    This Godos has its tail curled around a very large red signal. The signal is to inform the Sinker of when it needs to be stationary. After the tune ups are finished the Godos steps out of the way to signal that the Sinker can take off again.

Featured Episodes: 53
Weapon Overview:
    No custom weaponry.
Equipment Overview:
    No custom equipment.

- Godos Pit Crew Masquerade

Pilots: ---

    A group of light blue Godos were used for the pit crew of Masquerade, a mysterious driver that turned out to be Emperor Rudolph. They are the same as the basic Pit Crew.

Featured Episodes: 53
Weapon Overview:
    No custom weaponry.
Equipment Overview:
    Basic Antenna: A communications device. It links up with the Sinker of each respective team.

- Godos Pit Crew Masquerade Stop

Pilots: ---

    This Godos has its tail curled around a very large red signal. The signal is to inform the Sinker of when it needs to be stationary. After the tune ups are finished the Godos steps out of the way to signal that the Sinker can take off again.

Featured Episodes: 53
Weapon Overview:
    No custom weaponry.
Equipment Overview:
    No custom equipment.