- Geno Breaker

Pilots: Raven

    The Geno Breaker is the fully evolved form of Raven's Geno Saurer. The peculiar thing about this Zoid is that the original Geno Saurer had red pieces instead of purple, and it was implied by Rease that Ambient had tampered with the Saurer in some way before its evolution. The actual evolution from the Geno Saurer to the Geno Breaker was carried out by Shadow, who forced Raven to leave a battle he was confident in winning to begin the evolution.

    The final result was the immensely powerful Geno Breaker, said to be stronger than the resurrected Death Saurer. Because if this power, however, it's also a difficult Zoid for an Organoid to control. It was mentioned that the average Organoid could only stay fused for roughly 60 seconds, with Shadow able to hold out for much longer.

    In spite of this added power the visible differences of the Geno Breaker are rather insignificant. Whereas the Blade Liger had virtually every armor piece completely modified the Geno Breaker has only the back pack and the forehead spike modified.

Featured Episodes: 47 48 49 50 51 52
Weapon Overview:
    Hyper Killer Fangs: Just the teeth. Nothing really special here.
    Hyper Killer Claw x2: The claws now, they're more interesting. The Geno Breaker has retained the weapon that shoots out on a wire and attaches to the opponent.
    Hyper Strike Claw x2: The claws on the feet. While nothing particularly fantastic, they're extremely sharp and good for stomping down an enemy. The additional weight on the back may make these a little more awkward for a Geno Breaker to use, though.
    X Breaker x2: The first major weapon addition to the Breaker is the set of massive scissor-like blades. These have been shown to crush an average Zoid with relative ease and are extremely agile. The large plate that sets on the outside doubles as an effective shield.

    Laser Charging Blade: The forehead spike. This flips forward and replaces the guns. It isn't often seen using the charge.

    Weapon Binder: The weapon binder contains three different weapons, including the AZ 140mm Shock Gun (on top), the 80mm Beam Gun (on the front), and the micro poison missile pods on the sides. In the anime, however, the poison missiles are animated as just another laser / cannon shot.

    Charged Particle Cannon: A weapon that struck fear into both armies has not become any less terrifying. The Breaker's Charged Particle Gun was capable of eliminating countless Gojulas and Command Wolf units in a single sweep. Unfortunately for this Zoid, the arrival of the Geno Breaker was shortly followed by the development of particle oriented Energy Shields to protect individual units being targeted.

    No weapon listed.
Equipment Overview:

    Anchor x2: Because of the massive recoil from the Charged Particle Cannon, the Geno Saurer is forced to lock down for each attack that uses it. The anchors, or "foot locks" as they're called in the show help the Zoid prevent damage to itself.
    E-Shield Generator: The E-Shield Generator of the Geno Breaker is the most powerful generator at the time of its evolution. It was able to withstand the entire force of the Republican and Imperial armies and still not shatter. Later on the Shield fell to armor piercing bullets, but seems to remain powerful to general bombardment.

    NZR Composite Sensor: Once again, this upgrade isn't really displayed in the anime as almost all sensors are generalized.
    Cooling System: This item does not appear in any official equipment list, but after the firing of the Charged Particle Cannon the tail vents of the Geno Breaker rapidly discharge steam from the over heated frame.