- Ancient Zoidian

     There is very little said about Ancient Zoidians in the anime. They are a species of humanoids that existed before the real humans became a part of Zi's population. In their time the world was very different, and Zoidians had a close connection with their Zoid partners, to such an extent that they could communicate on a near-telepathic level.

     In the end of their days, the Ancient Zoidians were almost completely annihilated by the Death Saurer. When this evil Zoid went out of control it destroyed most of the planet, and many Ancient Zoidians, and their Organoids, had to be sealed away in capsules. Most Ancient Zoids perished from the damages, too large to effectively seal, and the Death Saurer was eventually brought down by a set of scorpion Zoids to counter it. By that time, it was too late to undo the damage that had been done, and the humanoid races were forced to rebuild their civilization.

- Eisenbeck Unit

     The Eisenbeck unit is an Imperial Air Force unit stationed at the Ebonei Air Base. The unit consists entirely of Black Redlers that were developed under the command of Regent Prozen and the unit itself is lead by Ralph, with Mueller acting as one of his main subordinates. Within Episode 29 there are over 40 Redlers recorded to be at the base. How many are in the Eisenbeck Unit is undetermined, but roughly 10 are noted to be deployed at any one time.

- Evolution

     Zoids are incredible creatures, but even with their extensive use by the armies they are hardly understood. The Zoid Core is the most intriguing part of a Zoid and it has been known that under the right circumstances the core, combined with the power of an Organoid can trigger an evolution of the Zoid.

    Evolution seems to have varying rules. It could be speculated that the evolution depends on both the Zoid, the pilot, and even the Organoid's personal experience. The renowned scientist Dr. D noted that the Shield Liger evolving in such a short period of time, which was only 1-3 days was impressive considering that the pilot was only a child. Zeke also manages to evolve the Shield Liger into the Blade Liger in roughly the same amount of time it takes for Shadow to evolve the Geno Breaker, while other Organoids, such as Ambient, are capable of instant evolution (while Ambient is known to be awakened a bit earlier than the other two, and in training much longer before either of them.)

    Although it is not discussed at length in the series, Ancient Zoidians seem to be able to influence evolution to an extent when merged with an Organoid. During the actual evolution process the Zoid is encased with a caccoon if it is considered that it will require an extended period of time. Immediate evolutions are not noted to have such a caccoon.

    Regardless of the methods used, as far as the Chaotic Century anime is concerned every Zoid is a remodeled version of the earlier form. There is no (visibly shown) evolution that involvse changing the entirety of the frame, although cases like the Death Stinger are still up for debate. In the case of the Blade Liger, this Zoid has modified armor pieces and paws, but over all shares the same frame. The Geno Breaker is only a red Genosaurer with greater power, more instability, and a modified jet pack. The results and the type of Zoid that a unit is evolved into varies, but all evolutions noted in the series have an inclination towards feral or close range combat.

- Hover Board

     Hover Boards are a mode of transportation, much like skateboards. Although they're never seen in the later part of the series, Van Flyheight uses one quite effectively in his home Colony of the Elemia Desert. Aside from hovering, these boards are seen to have a jump function that allows them to make a bounding leap into the air- over 10 feet. The controls are connected by a lengthy wire that is held in ones hand during use, and connects to the back of the board. These devices are not indicated to be made by Van, in spite of his mechanical talents. They are used by other members of the team in other episode.

- Humans

     Humans make up most of the cast. Ancient Zoidians are exceptionally rare, and most of Zi's inhabitants are often distant descendants of mixed race.

     Zoids has a wide cultural variety. Many humans have markings on their face, usually tattoos. These marks usually indicate a person's origin or alliance. For example, many people in the Wind Colony have the square marking that is also on Van's left cheek. Members of the Desert Alcabalino Gang all have the same stripe across their face. These cultural differences distinguish an individual, but it is also shown that most humans on Zi have a very accepting attitude towards members of different cultures. It is also worth mentioning that it is not uncommon to see members of one Colony with a wide variety of markings, or no markings at all.

- Imperial Ring of Guylos

     The Imperial Ring of Guylos is a symbol that an individual is the true ruler. It is said that without the ring even the rightful heir cannot become Emperor. This proves to be a huge problem for the young Emperor Rudolph, as well as many thieves that want to steal the ring.

     The ring appears to be made out of gold, with the engraved Dragon emblem of Guylos carved onto its surface with a stunning ruby in the middle of the cross guard. Rudolph carries it on a chain around his neck, but Prozen chooses to wear the ring.

- Jamming Snow

     Jamming Snow is first seen in Episode 17, when it is deployed from Prozen's moving Glacier base. It is deployed by use of a missile, and although the snow is artificial, and used to create a strong electro-magnetic disturbance, it effectively changes the atmosphere by dropping the air temperature as well.

- Light Beacon

     A simple red light system installed onto a Zoid or stationary location. This object acts as a beacon for aerial Zoids (or other units) in harsh weather or atmospheric conditions, allowing them to find their way back, or to their commander.

- Multiple Missile Diffusion System

     The Multiple Missile Diffusion System is a weapon system that was originally developed for the ZG. In spite of this being clearly stated, it never saw use by any Gojulas unit, and instead was used only once with the Command Wolf IT. In spite of the weapon's name, the Command Wolf IT is known as the Command Wolf SM (Spear Missile; Not stated in the anime) with the Diffusion System equipped.

- National Ancient Studies Research Institute

     The Research Institution of Ancient Studies is a building established in New Helic City, dedicated to finding out about Zi's past. Within its walls are skeletons, artifacts, and other relics from the old world. Some of the animals featured in the fossils are pterosaurs and duncleosteus. Other artifacts include a tablet from the Gurrill Plateau Ruins. It also has a portrait of Dr. D for his fame and contribution to both sides of the nations.

- Organoids

     Organoids are smaller Zoids, capable of dissolving into raw energy and merging to the core of a Zoid. The stimulation of the Zoid Core increases a Zoids abilities, in everything from raw energy/power to speed and strength.

     In the beginning of the series, Organoids are of such rarity that many people believe them to be mere myth. It is only people that encounter them, and the Imperial/Republican Army that believe in and have evidence of their existence.

     These creatures are of unknown origin- they never discover if they are created or born naturally like other Zoids, as Organoids do not have a core that supports the life in a regular Zoid. The only thing that is known about them is their present-day abilities to merge to and evolve Zoids, and that they come from ancient times when the Ancient Zoidians were still living on the planet.

     At one point Dr. D mentions that there are myths regarding Organoids, but that in spite of their existance little has been discovered, even from those captured by the armies. He mentions a legend in which when Ancient Zoidians were locked in their capsules, the Organoids sealed along side them retained the memories of their Zoidian companions. He also mentioned that Organoids were known to have a very special bond with Zoidians, and accompanied them wherever they went.

     Throughout the series there are only four Organoids. Zeke (who belongs to Van), Shadow (who belongs to Raven), Ambient (who belongs to Hiltz), and Specular (who belongs to Rease). They show a different level of abilities, as well as maturity and skill level.

- Pods

     According to Ancient Zoidian times, pods have been used to seal not only humans, but Organoids. It is specified in other parts of the Zoids franchise that cores do age, and eventually decay, and so it is assumed that these chambers are required to keep a Zoid Core young and alive over a long period of time.

     The first instance of these pods being used, that was seen in the series, was with the Ancient Zoidian girl "Fiona" and 'her' Organoid "Zeke". It is seen that a large number of cables run to these pods to keep them fully functional, and upon activation, they shatter into many shards of glass after a resounding heart beat pumps life back into the inhabitants.

     Although it is never specified just how old these pods are, they must be hundreds of years at least, to have kept Ancient Zoidians alive for such a long time. Many had fallen into human and military hands, and while the cables seem to be integral to sustaining them, it is seen that the pods can be removed from these cables and transported for a short period of time before it becomes detrimental to their health.

- Rarehertz

     A Rarehertz; a mysterious pulse that seems to travel, and inflicts Zoids with a type of 'illness'. This pulse affects the systems directly, and causes a Zoid to rapidly malfunction. This malfunction can be anything from off sightings, to complete disability or acts of extreme violence when the Zoid loses control.

     It is explained that Zoids are unable to escape a Rarehertz, but that Pulse Guards installed in most Zoids can at least subdue the pulse. These pulses can spontaneously disappear, and later appear in other areas -- making it impossible to tell where they will strike next, and making them a serious danger to civilians. Some indication can be given to the presence of a Rarehertz as select few Zoids eyes will change color when encountering the anomaly.

- Sleeper Zoids

     Sleeper Zoids are Zoids that belonged to the Imperial or Republican armies. These Zoids have a black box in place of a pilot, which contains pre-constructed orders for the Zoid. It determines how and when they act, and governs their intelligence in combat situations. Because of this, Sleepers are considered to be an easy target in a one on one fight.

     Among these details, Sleepers are also known to fire on a pilot, while a normal Zoid would not, if it fits into their normal combat criteria. Many will chase down pilots or Zoids that are detected to have unauthorized weaponry or ammunition.

- Snow Rocket

     A rocket created by Dr. D. It was originally intended to create snow, but the first experiment failed (and just coincidentally lined up with a natural snow occurrence.)

- Wild Zoid

     Wild Zoids in the Chaotic Century anime are Zoids that have escaped from the army. When this was brought up, it lead us to believe that sentient Zoids can choose to leave the army, if they find the right opportunity. These Zoids are often peaceful, and while they usually won't be inclined to take on a pilot, they rarely fire on other pilots or Zoids unless it's in self defense.

- ZG

     The military term for the Gojulas. This is how it was referred to for the first few episodes before deployment.

- Zoid

     A Zoid is, of course, the main attraction of the series. Zoids are massive mechanical animals, used frequently by the Empire and Republic. Although most are employed for Military use, they are sentient beings, running off of a Zoid Core that contains their mind and memory. Aside from this massive power source, it is also indicated that Zoids have a self-healing ability, and can heal minor damages over a few days depending on how good that ability is. Wiring inside the frame can be reconfigured to increase this ability.

- Zoid Core

     A Zoid core is, in short, the very life and essence of the Zoid. It has been referred to as the "heart," but also contains the mind and functionality. If a Zoid core is damaged the Zoid could suffer mass amounts of memory loss or, if the Zoid is damaged enough will even cause the Zoid to irreparably shut down. In essence, the Zoid will die. When the death of the Zoid originates from the desruction of the Zoid Core the Zoid itself will turn to stone. In a situation where this is a slower process, only sections of the Zoid will be transformed and progressively become worse.

     Throughout the series the Core proves to be a fickle thing. Not only can it fluctuate in power depending on the Zoid's personality, tenacity, and will, but the core can also be merged with Organoids, and even Ancient Zoidians (are supposedly humans) that happen to fuse with the Zoid. It is also noted that these spheres draw power from the Zoid Eve. If they happen to be close to the Eve the Core can completely regenerate a Zoid, or fluctuate massively in power.

    In some instances, when the Zoid is destroyed but the Core survives, it is recovered by the army to be used with other Zoids. In these cases they seem to freeze it with a type of liquid nitrogen for transport. Cores are also known to absorb (or potentially release) nutrients in water, with them being used to develope the strengths and life of many in-developement Zoids that were created by the Empire.

- Zoid Magnite

     Zoid Magnite is a strange blue ore resembling the same stone that makes up the Zoid Eve. It is used in the revival of some Zoids, and has been seen to be able to revive Organoids who are on their death bed. Rather or not this same ore can be used to revive Zoids is questionable, but the rarity and difficulty of obtaining it would suggest that it wouldn't be worth while to harvest.

     Zoid Magnite has only been found in Mount Osa (in the series), an active Volcano that burns at a temperature of over 2,000 degrees.