- Wagner
Age: Unknown
Allegiance: Guylos Empire (Retired)
Zoid(s): Zaber Fang AT-G
Character Summaries:
Wagner is one of the Three Guards, and judging by his specially painted Zaber Fang he may well be their leader. Like his friends he has been retired from the Empire for some time, and moved to an area naer the City of Wind to live out the rest of his days peacefully.
Unfortunately, when Rudolph was proclaimed dead he began to notice a rise in corruption in the Empire. Their own soldiers were turning against the citizens and abusing their power, to a dangerous extent that was grave cause for concern. He and his retired unit set out to destroy any Imperial soldiers that they found to be mistreating the citizens.
- Zoids
Zaber Fang AT-G: This intricately detailed Zoid is the only one of its kind shown in the series. In spite of the elaborate color scheme the AT-G appears to be just a standard Assault Type Zaber Fang, but this is by no means an assault. The AT is one of the best equipped units that are ever seen throughout the series, and Wagner shows incredible skill in piloting his -- having previously been known as one of the best pilots ever seen by the Empire.