- Karl Lichten Schubaltz

Age: Unknown
    Dark Horn
    Zaber Fang SS
    Iron Kong SS
Allegiance: Guylos Empire (Lieutenant)
Related To:
    Thomas Schubaltz (Brother)

Character Summaries:
    Lieutenant Karl Schubaltz is a high ranking member of the Imperial Army. He joined the Army early enough to become loyal to the Emperor, and shows little respect to Minister Prozen, even if he will obey his orders.

    Schubaltz' middle name, "Lichten" is first pronounced as "Lyken", as in "Lycanthropy". It is later pronounced as "Likton", similar to "Lipton's Tea".

    He frequently shows struggles to control Marcus, a lower ranking soldier who is eager to prove his worth to Minister Prozen, even if it means disobeying his commanding officer.

    Although not a lot is said about Schubaltz and his interests, in the earlier episodes he keeps a black lilly, both in his quarters and in his Zoid.

- Zoids

    Dark Horn: Schubaltz is first seen piloting a Dark Horn. This is one of the big Empire Zoids at the time, and through most of Chaotic Century is still a fairly dangerous one. He moves on from this Zoid after the battle at Red River Base, and is not seen piloting it again. This may be because of a military rank up or promotion, possibly indicated by the fact that it is the only Zoid he has been seen piloting that is not customized to his liking.

    Iron Kong SS: Schubaltz' second Zoid is the Iron Kong. It's fairly implied that Schubaltz is either rich, or has a strong military standing (be it in rank or respect). The Iron Kong was the first Zoid he was seen in that was fully customized and painted to fit his suiting. The Zoid is equipped with a large gatling gun, additional Beam Gun, and three-barrel cannon. Even after he gets the Zaber Fang SS later in the series, he contnues to pilot this Zoid as a primary favorite.