- Ross Crossbow

Age: Unknown
Occupation: Mercenary
Zoid: Desert Heldigunner
Associated With:Alphred Crossbow (Brother)

Character Summaries:

    Ross is the second Crossbow brother. Like Alphred, he left Imperial Territory, or had been rumored to have done so. He later returned, where he and his brother paid Stinger to give them information on Zeke. Their money is noted to be Republican Gold, implying that they've been looting from Republicans in the area, and they seem to have favor towards the Imperial Army, figuring to sell Zeke to them after he's been captured.

    Both of the brothers are mercenaries, but while they seem to be under handed thugs (as well ... most mercenaries are,) they also seem to have been hanging around together for a long time. They've practiced combat maneuvers with their Desert Heldigunners and function well as a team. His Zoid, the Desert Heldigunner is identicle to his brothers in every way, except for potentially the gun on the back. It is never shown that his uses a net gun, which is not standard to Heldigunners.

- Zoids

    Desert Heldigunner: Ross pilots a Desert Heldigunner, patterned in a camo scheme. Not only can he pilot this Zoid above ground, but is also skilled at subterranean combat. He and his brother have mastered a maneuver that they called the "Heaven and Hell Maneuver," an attack which involves one of them leaping up from behind the other, firing down on the enemy, then diving into the ground. This allows the second Heldigunner to rush forward with a follow up attack; a sort of rotational maneuver that allows a constant line of fire on the enemy while making it difficult to target both Zoids.