- Moonbay

Age: Unknown
Occupation: Transporter
    Gustav (Custom Colored)
Associated With:

Character Summaries:

     Moonbay's a spunky character. She pilots a Gustav and acts as a transporter, willing to take on almost any risk for the right price. When she first comes into the fray, she's transporting ammunition belonging to the Imperial Army, and being attacked by sleeper Zoids that have detected the cargo.

    A combination of Van's Shield Liger and Irvine's Command Wolf runs off the sleepers. At the camp fire, they discuss the situation, and Fiona. Moonbay reveals that she's an excellent Zoid mechanic, and repairs both the Command Wolf and Shield Liger. Aside from basic repairs, she's versed in the nervous system of a Zoid, able to rewire the system to improve healing ability.

    During her travels, Moonbay loves to sing. She's made up her own song about her and her Gustav, singing for the both of them whenever she gets bored. The song reads:

    "I am a transporter of the wasteland
    "I'm just making it up as I go along
    "Don't cross my path, you'll never get away with it
    "I never know just where the dusty road will take me!

    "I am a transporter of the wasteland
    "I drive my buddy, the Gustav, through the desert land!"

- Zoids

    Gustav: The Gustav is a Zoid that isn't explored much in the anime, with the exception of the one piloted by Moonbay. This makes it difficult to say just how customized hers is, but it certainly has a wide range of equipment. Setting that aside, her particular Gustav has two trailers that are hauled behind it, and has been with her for most of the series, even through Zoids Guardian Force. It is her one and only Zoid buddy up until the Ultra Saurus requires a pilot.