- Medlanik

Age: Unknown
Zoid: Dark Horn
Allegiance: Unknown

Character Summaries:

    Medlanik is a thug that was first seen working with Minister Prozen. After Rudolph announced a cease fire, Prozen hired Medlanik to assassinate Prince Rudolph. The job was to be done using a Command Wolf so that it would look like the work of the Republic, and as such, Medlanik would be responsible for restarting the war between the Guylos Empire and the Helic Republic. His plans were thrown off balance when the Desert Alcabalino Gang interfered; damaging the Command Wolves used for the job and stealing the crown prince out from beneath them.

    Knowing that Prozen was unaware of the desert gang, and that it had been announced already that Rudolph was kidnapped, Medlanik and his group went after him in an attempt to finish the job. If they went back, they would surely meet a swift death from Prozen.

    He later succeeds to steal the Imperial Ring from Rudolph, but never manages to murder the young emperor. When he retrieves the ring he tries to convince Prozen that he'll be returning the remains within several days, but isn't believed by his boss.

- Assets

    Standard Hand Gun: Medlanik's most frequently used weapon is a standard hand gun. If he isn't moving around much he'll usually opt for stronger fire power but if he's forced to be on the move this tends to be his choice. He not only uses this weapon but even manages to shoot Van with it when they're chasing them through the mine shafts.

    Shoulder Carried Gatling Gun: A high powered weapon used by Medlanik in Episode 24. The fact that he used this weapon against a Zoid, even if it was merely a Guysack implies that it must have an impressive amount of power. It is later used in Episode 25 against Stinger himself, face to face, but isn't actually used at the time.

    Hand Held Machinegun: A simple hand held machinegun. More or less what its name implies. This weapon is used during Episode 25 to threaten Stinger, Rudolph, and even Moonbay, but is never actually fired. It's unsure why he chose to go with this instead of his standard hand gun, but oh well.

- Zoids

    Dark Horn: Although originally Medlanik was to pilot a Command Wolf, this Zoid was destroyed. The explosion from the ambush drew the attention of the Imperial Guards, who brought two Dark Horns to the scene to investigate. Medlanik and his group put the pilots out of commission and stole the Dark Horns, leading them into the desert after Rudolph.