- Irvine
Age: Unknown
Occupation: Mercenary
Command Wolf IT
Command Wolf SM
Character Summaries:
Irvine can be quite a ferocious character when he has sights set on something. He lived for many years as a mercenary, and piloted the Command Wolf IT for most of it.
When he first encounters the main characters, he attempts to steal Zeke, even if it means pointing a gun at the kids. He later retreats when the Shield Liger comes into the picture.
One of his biggest goals is to someday obtain an Organoid, and has been searching ruins across the world to find one. When he fails to capture Zeke, he becomes frustrated. Even after he becomes an ally to Van and the others, it is obvious that he still wishes to take the Organoid, and frequently jokes about it.
During one episode Irvine reveals that he once had a younger sister, but that she died at a young age due to Gaphkee Karl fever. Being unable to help her when she needed help left a horrible impression. Her name was Helena.
- Talents and Assets (The Batman List)
Eyepatch: Irvine's most noticeable asset is the eye patch that covers his eye. This mechanical device has a number of features that people who encounter him usually don't suspect. The first feature is a rotating lense with zooming scope capability and video recording. Another lense is able to project a hologram of the video recorded. He also hides small explosives in the patch, just big enough to jolt him out of jail if he needs it.
Small Explosives: Hidden behind his eye patch. These explosives can be used to bust through metal bars. They attach to a cable that connects to the detonator. In a later episode, he's seen using a similar detonator for a much stronger explosive.
Storage Concealing Boots: The heels of Irvine's boots have a hidden compartment used for storage. In one episode he's shown to have putty hidden here.
Hand Gun: Irvine is seen multiple times carrying a hand gun.
Grappling Gun: The first device Irvine is seen using, among many, is a large gun equipped with a grappling hook (spear-like device). He uses this to fire rope down into a sink pit and rescue Fiona.
Grenade Launcher: The second gun he has in his possession is a high power hand held grenade launcher. Although this looks similar to a shot gun, it fires a large cannon shell that creates a large blast.
Electrical Whip: Irvine has the same kind of electrical whip that is used by Welding in the second episode. He's used this weapon to try to capture Zeke from Van.
Electrical Collar: That's right, an electrified collar. Irvine uses this to try to steal Zeke. It delivers a strong electrical jolt every time someone hits the 'detonator'
Smoke Bombs: Used on multiple occasions. Small metal cannisters that discharge a thick cloud of smoke.
- Zoids
Command Wolf: The Command Wolf IT is Irvine's main Zoid, and long term partner. Although he doesn't mention where he got the Zoid, he expresses how much it means to him. Completely unwilling to loan out or compromise the Wolf, Irvine looks after the Zoid like it's his best friend. He also believes strongly in its abilities, and pilots the Command Wolf with exceptional skill compared to most Command Wolf pilots.
Command Wolf SM: For a brief moment during Episode 14, Irvine upgrades his Command Wolf IT to the Command Wolf SM. With this upgrade he's able to effectively face Raven in combat, and even manages to disable the Zaber Fang for a brief moment. The battle turns against him when Shadow merges with Raven's Zoid, and after a narrow escape, he abandons the SM set in favor of a Long Range Rifle. Rather he gives it back, dumps it in the middle of no where, or sells it is still up in the air.
Command Wolf IT: Generally speaking, "IT" stands for "Irvine Type". One could argue that, therefor, any Command Wolf piloted or customized for Irvine would fall under the heading of "IT", but as far as the rest of the franchise is concerned, the IT has the Long Range Rifle. For the first part of the series, Irvine's customized Command Wolf had only the basic equipment, and after episode 14, was upgraded for Long Range combat instead.
Gojulas IS: For a sort period of time Irvine pilots the Gojulas IS, a version that seems to be colored specifically for him. This is ... interesting- considering by all realistic standards it should be a fluke, or the Republican Army was just planning to gift a high power Zoid to a mercenary that they didn't even really know the location of. One likes to hope they didn't put off going to the battle to paint the thing. Either way, this Gojulas appears to be equipped with an MK-II unit, and Irvine finally gets to prove how skilled he is in piloting large scale Zoids.