- Rob Herman

Age: Unknown
Allegiance: Helic Republic (Commander)
    Shield Liger
    Madam President (Mother)

Character Summaries:

    When Rob Herman first comes into the story, he's nothing but a commander of the Red River base, bracing his army for the oncoming war. It is later discovered that he's not just any soldier, though, but is the son of Madam President of the Republican Army. In spite of this fact, which many would boast to be an advantage, Rob has proven to be very fair in his associations and has worked his way up the army food chain from square one.

    Loyal and good, he only wants what's best for his army. Sometimes his skill gets to his head, though, and leads him into trouble that he hadn't even anticipated. His position is later stated to be Captain, 1st Platoon Red River Line.

- Zoids

    Gordos: Herman is first scene piloting a Gordos at the Red River base. Through much of Chaotic Century this is his Zoid of choice, and obviously, combat wise, one of his favorites.

Gojulas: Albeit briefly, Herman also pilots the Gojulas. He discovered this Zoid when he went to Mount Osa base, and couldn't resist piloting the Zoid. He even felt that he had more right to take the controls than Krueger, an experienced and retired soldier, but as soon as the Gojulas stepped onto the battle field he couldn't balance the Zoid properly and it toppled over.

    Pteras: In later episodes Herman shows that he's also capable of piloting an aerial Zoid. He makes use of the Republican Pteras to survey battle fields and off-shore oddities, but doesn't show much active combat in this small Zoid.

    Shield Liger: Not only does Herman act as a co-pilot to Van's Shield Liger earlier in the series, but in the final battle against Prozen he pilots a blue Shield Liger of his own. This Zoid doesn't actually fight much in the battle, but is seen to be an older generation Blue, with silver claws instead of gold.