- Brad

Age: Unknown
Allegiance: Brad's Gang(Leader)
Zoid: Dark Horn

Character Summaries:

    Brad is a thug from Episode 21 who appears to be the owner of "Brad's Gang," a group of unruly thugs who control the forests in the area. When they confront Raven they seek to exact a toll -- the Genosaurer, but quickly learn that the Zoid is far too powerful for them to confront. The gang appears to be destroyed in its entirety by the Charged Particle Gun. The group consists (to our knowledge) of a Dark Horn and two standard Command Wolves.

    It may be worth mentioning that he's one of very few pilots seen to have markings somewhere besides just his face, not to mention more elaborate ones than pilots are normally seen to have.

- Zoids

    Dark Horn: Brad pilots a standard Dark Horn. His aptitude for this Zoid is never realized since both this creature and its pilot are destroyed before they ever get the chance to fight.