- Zoids Genesis Box Set 02

The second DVD box set contains Volumes 5-8 of Zoids Genesis. Each volume is packed into a singular DVD case with diffent covers from the standard sale single volumes, and have a special red color box to hold the four. The covers have some awesome CG Zoid images, and the edge of the larger boxes makes for a cool image of the Zoids all lined up.

Episode 19
Episode 20
Episode 21
Episode 22
Episode 23
Episode 24
Episode 25
Episode 26
Episode 27
Episode 28
Episode 29
Episode 30
Episode 31
Episode 32
Episode 33
Episode 34
Main DVD Box:
- Bio Megaraptor Holotech Entry Ticket
Each of the three box sets comes with a white ticket. Back then, when the sets were just being released you could ship in these three tickets to receive a special Bio Megaraptor Holotech. This zoid was cast in all clear colorless plastic, and is considered much rarer than the individual box ligers.
- Hayate Liger Holotech
The second box set comes with a Hayate Liger. The larger, outter box (shown at the beginning of the article) shows a nice CG image of the Liger, while the actual model kit is packaged into its own box inside, which contains images of the liger all in red tones.
Unfortunately it may not be reviewed for a long time, so for now all we have here are the box images. We'll be looking into getting this done but our Liger is regrettably missing one of his blades, and possibly one or two other pieces. If you're ever in the market for selling the right blade, let us know!
- Individual Volume Reviews