- Basic Review
If you're familiar with my DVD reviews, or if you happen to have these DVDs yourself, you may know how strongly I feel about the voice actor narration and how obnoxious it is. Well, that just got ten times worse with Stinger narrating Volume 10.
Not only is his voice horribly grinding, but the DVDs basic descriptions fail to impress me. Even so, this DVD has the same bonus features as most of the others. Character and Zoid reviews.
-Ep. 55 Supersonic Battle
-Ep. 56 Cerberus
-Ep. 57 The Nightmare
-Ep. 58 Attack of the Winged Dragons
-Ep. 59 The Capital Collapses
-Ep. 60 The Giant Fortress
Bonus Features:
-Character Review: Rease
-Zoid Review: Lightning Saix
-Box Details
(The description below are those presented on the box)
A completely new ZOIDS called the "Death Stinger," demonstrates its formidable power against the Guardian Forces, causing irreparable damage to the Geno Saurer. The mastermind behind this scheme, Hillz, wants to destroy the Republic. Will the capital survive?
Additional Details:
The back of the box advertises the "Power Kong", one of the Zoids that was allegedly designed by Hasbro during its last days. While I believe a few of these Power Zoids got out on the market, I don't believe this one ever did. This makes it an interesting choice to advertise on the back of the box.
-Episode Summaries
Episode 55: Supersonic Battle
When Irvine's Lightning Saix is stolen by some thugs, he's framed for stealing Republican goods and captured by a female Republican MID officer. When he makes a quick escape, he finds the female officer pursuing him. Together they're drawn into an unforgiving mountain range, and are forced to work together to return to safety. Irvine to prove his innocence and retrieve his Zoid, and Karrel (sp?) to bring Irvine back to the base.
Episode 56: Cerberus
Members of the Imperial army are receiving mysterious voice calls to be challenged by a "Trinity Ghost". When the pilots stray from their normal duties to take up these challenges, they find themselves at a loss, faced against a monstrous beast known as the executioner, "Cerberus". In order to handle this threat, the Guardian Force dispatches Van and his Blade Liger to confront and handle the threat, but can they defeat a Zoid invulnerable to attack?
Episode 57: The Nightmare
Fiona looses sleep after a premonition of a devastating threat plagues her dreams. Meanwhile, Van and his Blade Liger set out to challenge Raven and his Geno Breaker. Fiona realizes that something is horribly wrong, and she has limited time to stop it. A horrible Zoid awakens in the valley of the rarehertz, and threatens the lives of all pilots involved.
Episode 58: Attack of the Winged Dragons
Hiltz and his Death Stinger have stolen a Hammer Kaiser, and attacking from space, have destroyed countless cities with no remorse. To counter this threat the army devises a plan to send Irvine and Thomas into space, using a set of specially modified Storm Sworders to try to bring down the Hammer Kaiser unit.
Episode 59: The Capital Collapses
After the escape of the Death Stinger, the Republican Army becomes fearfully aware that the Zoid is moving towards their capital, using an underground lava flow. They dispatch their Defense Forces in two separate areas, while Van Flyheight is confronted by Rease and her Psycho Geno Saurer.
Episode 60: The Giant Fortress
Devastation has befallen New Helic City, and the Republic's last chance of survival is to fall back on a massive machine burried beneath Windeen lake. All forces are diverted to the shore to receive final orders.
Character Profile: Rease
"Rease, an Ancient Zoidian like Fiona; she pilots the Double Sworder. With her blue organoid and friend, Sepcura, she can read and control other people's minds. Cold and ruthless, she prefers independant action, and tries to obstruct Van and his friends."
Zoid Profile: Lightning Saix
Lightning Saix!
"EZ-035 Lightning Saix"
Evolved from the Atak Kat Zoids using an Organoid, the Empire created "Lightning Saix". With stealth technology including a sound muffling function in its legs, and fitted with the booster back, this Zoid can achieve remarkable speeds, even breaking the sound barrier! And its mobility exceeds even that of the Blade Liger.
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Accleration: 6
Maneuverability: 8
Detection: 4
Close Combat: 5
Fire Power: 4
Protection: 4
Type: Cheetah
Length: 18.4 M
Height: 8.8 M
Weight: 65 tons
Speed: 325 KPH
Crew: 1
-Laser Killer Fangs X 2
-Strike Laser Claw X 4 (Retractable)
-Doubled Barreled Vulcan Gun
-Pulse Laser Rifle X 2
-Booster Pack