- Zoids Graphics
- The OJR Graphics
There are a lot of products under the name "Graphics". This particular set, better known by the fan-coined term "OJR Graphics" was a set of pamphlets distributed with the older generations of Tomy model kits. They contained a variety of product information, including some assorted goods that fans in today's world weren't aware of! It also contained interesting bits of lore, some cool diorama style images and artwork, and more.
Today these pamphlets are incredibly hard to find. The scans provided here are from Falcarius, who has been a huge help in providing tons of Zoids lore and information, as well as many of the translations used on this site! We're excited to be able to provide these pamphlets for your viewing pleasure.

We're also happy to provide references for how these graphics looked in their original Japanese format. If you'd like to read them in English, click the reader button above. However, please be advised that our English translations are
machine translated so there are bound to be a few mistakes. They're merely provided as an easier way to read such translations in the original pamphlet format.
- Original Japanese Volumes
- Introduction Manual