- The Second New Zoid Development Competition

- ZAC 2034: Zoids Mecha New Century

 The birth of the Ironkong made both the Republican and Imperial Armies keenly aware that the completion of a new, powerful mecha was a shortcut to victory. It also became clear that a unit formation combining a wide variety of Zoids was advantageous in battles on the Central Continent, where terrain was often complex.

 As the war spread the arms race became more and more intense. The Republican Army's Godos, which had for a long time enjoyed the title of the strongest small-scale Zoid, was now no match for the Iguan and Hammerrock.

 Even among Imperial Zoids, the Helcat, which had only been developed a few months earlier, had a tough time against the Republic's latest mecha, Snakes.

 The intensity of the battle required more powerful Zoids, and the new Zoids made the battle even more grueling.

Republican Army Snakes: This Zoid launches ambush attacks to catch the Imperial Army's Helcats. The two units have no difference in combat power, but Snakes has a slight advantage in the desert.

Republican Army Pteras: Developed to take down the Zoids Sinker, an amphibious air-sea Zoid. With its high speed of Mach 2.2, it shoots down Sinkers before they can escape into the water.

Imperial Army Iguan: An infantry Zoid developed for use in combat against the Godos. It outperformed the Godos in both speed and armaments, and greatly changed the balance of power between the two armies.

Imperial Army Hammerrock: A small mass-production version of the Ironkong. Similar to the Kong, it has extremely strong arms. Between the two armies it's probably the strongest small-scale Zoid when it comes to melee combat.

Republican Army Large-Scale Zoids Gustav: This transport mecha, able to carry 250 tons of cargo, was developed to retrieve injured Zoids and transport them to the rear lines.

Republican Army Cannon Tortoise: A thickly-armored unit with a large-bore assault cannon. Its equipment is as simple as it can be, but its combat power is extremely high. It's a worthy opponent to the Malder.

Imperial Army Saicurtis: Taking advantage of its ability to fly slowly at low altitudes, it attacks small Republican ground Zoids from the air as a ground support fighter.

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