- Zabat
Registration Number: EZ-044
JP Name: ザバット
Type: Bat
Alignment: Guylos Empire
Rollout: ZAC 2101
Length: 10.2 m
Height: 3.7 m
Weight: 25.0 t
Speed: Mach 2.8
Pierce (NC0 Anime)
* Stat Information: Based on Battle Story
145mm Laser Gun x2 (Wings)
Homing Bomb x1 (Belly)
Hyper Killer Claw x2 (Feet)
Doppler Radar x2 (Ears)
Infrared Scope (Nose)
Magnesser Wings (Wings)
- Introduction
The first fully unmanned drone Zoid developed in the Western Continent War. Preceding BLOX by a considerable amount of time, it set the stage for just how useful and terrifying these drones could be.
- Details of Design
Manned Cockpit

Zabat shook the state of air warfare on Europa when it first launched above Nixie Base. The fact that it was completely unmanned meant that it could go into battle literally without fear. There was no risk of losing the pilot, which made these Zoids reckless and daring. Because of this, they're regularly used in attacks that'd be suicide for any pilot. The Zoids are easy to replace, so this isn't any big loss to the Empire.
In the instance that a pilot is needed, however, the cockpit can be replaced with a manned type. In this design the pilot lays on their belly, and in the interest of their safety, they typically take a reconnaissance role and rely on the Zoid's stealth.
- Military History
ZAC 2101, January, The Bombing of Nixie Base
After losing Nixie Base to the Republican Army the Guylos Empire began preparing their counter offensive. One of the most devastating acts in this battle was to deploy a fleet of Whale Kings flying at 30,000 meters, far above what aerial Zoids of the Republic could reach. They dropped countless unmanned Zabats from their bays while hiding in the relative safety. The damage done by the Zabat bombers was immense. Not only did it delay the Nixie landing operation from launching by more than a month, but it did severe damage to the Ultra Saurus, the Zoid that had been largely responsible for winning the Western Continent war in the first place. Ultimately Salamanders were launched to handle the five Whale Kings, and did so successfully.
- Notable Facts
- While the Zabat has high performance it's relatively cheap to produce. This is thanks to the fact that they don't have to factor in pilot safety. With these cost reductions it can be rapidly mass produced.
- Zabat is rated higher in air combat than Pteras.
- Equipment Information
- 145mm Laser Gun x2
145mm Laser Gun x2: 145mmレーザーガン×2
The 145mm Laser Guns are attached to the folding section of the wing and consist of two long barrels. These guns serve as the Zabat's primary weapon in the air.
- Doppler Radar x2
Doppler Radar x2: ドップラーレーダー×2

Zabat's large ears are doppler radars. They don't get much description but we can assume they work like real life doppler radar, which sends out a pulse that's then bounced back. The radar detects things such as if the target's moving towards or away from the Zabat, what their altitude is, and how fast they're moving. Zabat's ears each rotate forwards and backwards independently.
- Homing Bomb x1
Homing Bomb x1: ホーミングボム×1

The Homing Bomb is a particularly nasty little weapon that's stored in the belly of the Zabat. It's held in place by the two red latches, and when the Zabat flies over a target it drops the bomp. Either it detonates when it hits the target, or it lands on the ground and zooms along after the target on the two wheels, chasing them until, again, it detonates. The fact that the Zabat is unmanned means it can also get in close enough to ensure good accuracy without much concern.
- Hyper Killer Claw x2
Hyper Killer Claw x2: ハイパーキラークロー×2
The Zabat doesn't often need to get into a close range battle, but when it does, it has two sets of large hooked claws on its feet. These claws also allow the Zoid to hang upside down from structures. Fun fact, the model kit comes with scaffolding for it to hang from.
- Infrared Scope
Infrared Scope: 赤外線スコープ
Most Zabats, those that are unmanned are equipped with an infrared scope in the nose. This small green lense detects differences in temperature, allowing it to see enemies even in absolute darkness. This is quite useful as the Zoid, operating at night, disappears against the sky. The head piece is sometimes replaced with a proper cockpit for a pilot to be seated in, which still has a green lense on the front, but it's not clarified if this is also an infrared scope.
- Magnesser Wings
Magnesser Wings: マグネッサーウイング
Like other flying Zoids the Zabat relies on Magnesser Wings. This technology relies on magnetic force to give the Zoid lift.
- Merchandise
Model Kits
EZ-044 Zabat
GZ-006 Zabat |
- Featured In Media
- Zoids New Century /ZERO

Zabat's most outstanding appearance is in the anime New Century /ZERO where they were largely used as cannon fodder for the Backdraft Group. This is oddly a perfect role for the Zabat because that's what it was intended to be from the beginning, but they occasionally feature as piloted machines, too, such as Pierce's Zabat, which took part in stealing the Liger Zero.
Other Media Appearances
Anime Media: Zoids New Century /ZERO
Anime Media: Zoids Fuzors
Book Media: Zoids Official Fan Book 3
Book Media: Zoids Official Fan Book 4
Game Media: Zoids Saga I
Game Media: Zoids Saga II
Game Media: Zoids Saga Fuzors
Game Media: Zoids Saga DS: Legend of Arcadia
Game Media: Zoids VS III
- Notes
1. All information, unless stated otherwise, is from the box, official product info, or Official Fan Books. Media appearances reference their respective media.