Zoids Index

Sniper Liger   Technical Data   スナイパーライガー

Name Note: None
Alignment: Helic Republic
Rollout: None
Type: Lion
Height: Unknown
Length: Unknown
Weight: Unknown
Max Speed: Unknown
Equipment Information
Weapons: Equipment:
 AZ 2-Barrel Shock Cannon  (Chest)
 Laser Blade x2  (Sides)
 Laser Saber x2  (Fangs)
 Linear Rail Rifle  (Back)

 Pulse Laser Gun x2  (Blade Arms)
 Strike Claw x4  (Paws)

 3D Dual Sensor  (Tail)
 Completion Refrigerator x4  (Legs)
 E-Shield Generator  (Head, Throat)
 Multi-Blade Antenna x2  (Head)
Organoid System(Internal)
 Rocket Booster  (Back)

Story Information
Pilots: Introduction:
  • Arthur Borgmann
 When the Republic sought to create a new Blade Liger, one of the designs they came up with was the Sniper Liger. A Zoid geared towards taking out enemies before they could ever enter firing range to fight back.  [1]

- Military History

ZAC 2100, August, Arthur Borgmann's Blade Liger

In ZAC 2100 the Republic sought to create a new variation of the Blade Liger, and for this purpose they developed several modification parts. In August, these parts were test driven by Arthur Borgmann. Although the Sniper Liger presented excellent advantages, it was not chosen as the final variation.

- Equipment Information

- Linear Rail Rifle

Linear Rail Rifle: リニアレールライフル

 A rifle designed for firing over great distances. By using the high-performance sights, it can shoot a target from a distance of 10 kilometers. This would allow it to snipe the Geno Breaker from outside the range of its charged particle cannon, and the special armor-piercing rounds would punch right through the outter armor, destroying the Zoid Core and downing the enemy in a single shot.

- Featured In Media

Book Media: Zoids Official Fan Book 2

Magazine Media: CoroCoro August 2000 Issue

- Notes

1. All information, unless stated otherwise, is from the Official Fan Books or the August 2000 issue of CoroCoro. The weapons list is based on the Blade Liger, but the Sniper Liger isn't confirmed to still make use of the full arsenal.