Zoids Index

EZ-006 Molga   Technical Data   モルガ

Name Note: None
Alignment: Guylos Empire
Zenebas Empire
Rollout: ZAC 2031
Type: Insect
Length: 11.8 m
Height: 2.95 m
Weight: 19.7 t
Max Speed: 200 km/h
Equipment Information
Weapons: Equipment:
 20mm Gatling Gun x4  (Sides of head)
 Anti-Zoid 2-Shot Missile  (Back)
 Laser Cutter  (Mouth)

 3D Radar Antenna  (Tail prongs)

Story Information
Pilots: Introduction:
  • Unlisted
 The Molga is one of the most famous cannon fodder Zoids in the franchise, but in spite of its small stature, it has rave reviews among soldiers for its safety measures. It also makes up a massive chunk of the Imperial Army, as their most mass-produced Zoid, compensating for its overall power with sheer numbers.  [1]

- Concept Art

 Setting materials used during the animation process of the classic Zoids anime.

- Details of Design

Armored Cockpit

 The Molga's low posture and thick armor helps it survive enemy gunfire, but when situations turn sour, its true feature is the double-armored cockpit. With a helmet that goes over the actual clam-shell cockpit design, the Molga's head boasts armor twice as thick as the rest of its body. This allows the Molga to charge head-long into battle, while also giving it an amazing survival rate. Even if the Zoid is brought down, the pilot has a high chance of surviving the fight.

Container Unit

 The Molga stores two missiles under the silver armor along its back. However, if the missiles are removed, this space can actually be used as a cargo hold, and has been used for a variety of purposes throughout its history. This is likely also the inspiration for Kotobukiya's exclusive variant, the Molga Carrier.

- Military History

ZAC 2099, August

 Both armies marched for Mount Olympus, known as the "Roof of Europa" for its incredible height. However, the Empire outnumbered the Republic three-to-one. It took only a week for the Empire to seize control of Mercurius Lake, and during this period, Molgas served to fend off the Republic's land-based Zoids, along with ally Hel Digunner, Iguan, Red Horn, Redler, and Saicurtis units.

- Equipment Information

- 20mm Gatling Gun x4

20mm Gatling Gun x4: 20mmガトリング砲x4

 These gatling guns are attached to the sides of the Molgas helmet, with two on each side. They fire rapid-fire shots as the Molgas advance towards their enemies, but have no actual articulation, so can only fire in the direction that they're facing.

- 3D Radar Antenna

3D Radar Antenna: 3Dレーダーアンテナ

 The two prongs on the Molga's tail are antennas for its 3D radar. 3D radar scans the area to identify incoming enemies, and as this radar also scans altitude, it can identify flying Zoids that are closing in on their unit. This equipment is essential to intercept such targets.

- Anti-Zoid 2-Shot Missiles

Anti-Zoid 2-Shot Missiles (Stored Internally): 地対空2連装ミサイル(胴体内に格納)

 These two missiles are stored within the tail, protecting them from enemy fire when not in use. Once it's time to fire, the silver back panel opens up by flippin backwards, and the missiles are launched.

- Laser Cutter

Laser Cutter: レーザーカッター

 The tiny little mandibles on the mouth of the Molga. Like most laser equipment, they charge with energy for easier cutting. Unfortunately, they don't see much use in the franchise.

- Merchandise

Model Kits



- Featured In Media

Anime Media: Zoids Chaotic Century

Book Media: Zoids Official Fan Book 1

Game Media: Zoids Bonds of Steel
Game Media: Zoids Field of Rebellion
Game Media: Zoids Material Hunter
Game Media: Zoids Saga I
Game Media: Zoids Saga II
Game Media: Zoids Saga Fuzors
Game Media: Zoids Saga DS: Legend of Arcadia
Game Media: Zoids VS I
Game Media: Zoids VS II
Game Media: Zoids VS III

- Notes

1. All information, unless stated otherwise, is from the box and Official Fan Books.