Zoids Index

Command Wolf Empire   Technical Data   コマンド ウルフEM

Name Note: None
Alignment: Guylos Empire
Rollout: Unlisted
Type: Wolf
Length: 14.7 m
Height: 7.9 m
Weight: 46 t
Max Speed: 210 km/h
Equipment Information
Weapons: Equipment:
 50mm Anti-Zoid Double Barrel Beam Gun  (Back)
 Electron Bite Fang  (Mouth)

 Smoke Discharger x2  (Hips)

Story Information
Pilots: Introduction:
  • Unknown
 Command Wolf EM is a variation of the Command Wolf that serves under the Imperial Army. The Empire was based on roughly 50 ~ 100 wolves captured from the Republican Army during battle. Its name mostly comes from video game media, while the battle story mostly still refers to it as the "Command Wolf", just in Empire stat tables.  [1]

- Combat History

 The Command Wolf EM originated from a high speed Republican combat unit of roughly 100 Command Wolves. They took their last stand against the Empire in order to permit their allies safe escape in ZAC 2099. It was known that they wouldn't live through the battle but in the aftermath between 50 and 100 of these Zoids were captured by the Imperial Army.

 Of those original units some were dismantled in their entirety, for the sake of examining their internal circuitry. Careful attention was paid to the weakness of the armor from enemy shooters and the remaining wolves were painted red and sorted into the Empire Special Forces. They would fight against the Republican Army the following summer.

- Merchandise

Model Kits:


- All Media Appearances

Book Media: Zoids Official Fan Book Volume 2

Game Media: Zoids VS II
Game Media: Zoids VS III
Game Media: Zoids Card Colosseum Second: Volume 5 (EM)

- Notable Variations

- Color Variations