- Smack Zoids! B-PART
Issue: Dengeki Hobby Magazine, February 2002
Focus: Liger types!
Text transcriptions and rough translations by Han, please pardon inaccuracies!
Yes, that's Google Translate stuff!
今月は、 長谷川成人製作のトリニティライガーの作例 (P212) も掲載されるというこで、 B-PARTは読者からのリクエストが多かったライガー系ゾイドの系譜を紹介したい。 ライガーゼロが帝国産のゾイドであるという衝撃の事実、 そしてそれにまつわるエピソードとは?
This month, we have sample images from Naruhito Hasegawa. Production of the custom model Trinity Liger is also posted (Page 212.) B-PART would like to introduce the genealogy of the Liger Zoids, something that was requested by many of our readers. What shocks will be revealed about the Liger Zero's production in the Empire?
- Ultimate Liger
Ultimate Liger
"帝国軍は、 野生ゾイドの持つナチュラルなパワーを最大限に活かそうという設計思想を持つ次世代ゾイドの開発に着手した。 このー達の計画は「U作戦」と名付けられ、 野生体ゾイドをペースにいくつかの試作ゾイドが開発された。"
The Imperial Army started to develop their next generation Zoids with a design concept that'd also maximize the natural power of Wild Zoids. This plan was called the "Operation U", and some prototypes were created based on their wild counterparts.
- Blade Liger MK-II

Blade Liger MK-II
"プレードライガーの更なる発展型として、開発が進められていた機体。 その開発デー夕は、 スピノライガーへと受け継がれる。"
This unit was built as a further development of the Blade Liger. Its development data was later passed on to the Spino Liger.
- Tyranno Liger
Tyranno Liger
(Though featured in the Genealogy table no info is given about the Tyranno Liger. It bares a strong resemblance to what would later become the Murasame Liger.)
- Type ZERO
ライガーゼロは、 西方大陸の帝国軍ニクシー基地にて開発が行われていたところを共和国軍に強奪され、 帝国軍にその牙を剥くことになった。"
Liger Zero, which was developed in the Nixie Imperial Army base on the west continent was stolen by the Republican Army. It stripped the fangs from the Imperial Army.
- Buster Liger
Buster Liger
"肩部にピームキャノンとEシールドを兼ねるバスターソードを装備し、 突撃時にマグネーザーとして使用する。 バスターライガーのコンセプトはケーニッヒウルフ「銀牙」によって、 その複合武器の有効性は帝国軍のバーサークフューラーによって後に実証されている。"
Equipped with a Buster Sword, which also serves as a Beam Cannon and E-Shield on the shoulder. When charging the weapon acts as a Magnezer. The Buster Liger's concept was improved by the König Wolf "Silver Fang" and the effectiveness of its complex weapon design was demonstrated later by the Berserk Führer of the Imperial Army.
- Other Liger
Other Liger
"Liger Zero Jager
"Liger Zero Schneider
"Liger Zero Panzer
"ゼロのCASプランには、 シールドユニット、 ブレードユニット、 バスターユニットなどもあったが、 お蔵入りとなっている。 それは、 Dr. Tackerが奇襲戦闘用ユニットの開発を優先したからである。 ところが、 その設計データが帝国のProf.Bに送られたため、 ゼロイクスが共和国軍を襲撃するという皮肉な結果を生んでいる。"
There was a Shield, Blade, Buster, etc. units in the CAS plan for the Zero, but these were all shelved. Mainly because Dr. Tacker's priority was the development of a surprise combat unit. However, since the design data was sent to the Empire's Prof. B, the ironic consequences resulted in the Zero X, which attacked the Republican Army.
- Zero Phantom
Zero Phantom
"帝国軍が開発したファントムユニットは、 イクスユニットのプロトタイプとも言うべき存在で、 出撃するたびに改良が加えられ、 最終的な完成を見ないままイクスへと開発が移行している。 共和国軍では機体認識不能なゾイドとして恐れられていた。"
The Phantom Unit developed by the Imperial Army, and at present time should even be referred to as a prototype of the X Unit. With each sortie improvements were added, but development has shifted to the X without looking at completing the Phantom's final design. In the Republican Army it was feared as an unrecognizable Zoid.
- Zero X
Zero X
"高いステルス性能、 電子戦能力、 格闘戦能力、 砲撃力を併せ持つ。 背中に装備されてりる 「エレクトロンドライバー」 は、 電気を
"点に集中して発射する強力な電磁砲であり、 また左右に展開することにより相手をシュートさせて動きを封じる格闘戦用の高圧電流剣 「スタンブレード」 として使用することもできる。
このような武器の複合化にはバーサークフューラー開発時のノウハウが反映されている。 変化する戦局にも自在に対応する複合武装な、 操作性及び、 整備の複雑化などデメリットも併せ持つが、 戦い万次第では絶大な戦果をあげることができたため、 共和国のライガータイプ同様にエースパイロットを中心に配備されていった。"
High stealth performance, electronic warfare capabilites, good fighting ability, and even bombardment capabilities. It also has the Electron Driver attached to its back.
It can focus this energy into the point of the blades to be used as a powerful electromagnetic gun, and can also be used as a high-voltage current sword, the "Stun Blade" to jam an enemies movements while being able to expand to the left and right. During development they reflected on the complex weapons of other Zoids, such as the Berserk Führer who were also being developed at the time. It could change weapon composition to be able to respond freely in war situations, operability and, although there were maintenance disadvantages due to the complexity of its design, when deployed with ace pilots like the liger types of the Republic it still had enormous military strength.
- The Genealogy of Cat Beasts
??? (CAT BEAST) ???
"帝国軍が開発したライガーゼロの奪取は 、行き詰まっていた共和国の新型ライガー開発研究者にとって大きな福音となった。この新しい素体により、不安材料は一気に解決された。西方大陸産の野生ライガーは、強靱なゾイドコアを持ち、重装備が可能たったのだ。Dr. Tacker は Dr. BABAからゼロの開発を引き継ぎ、共和国軍のゼロシリーズを完成させた。その後、共和国は短期間でCASの装備を続々と完成させているが、これは、各装備が前述の強化型ライガーの開発データをCASとして再構成されたことに起因している。これらのデータは、スピノライガーのコンセプトを継承したシュナイダー、DCSのコンセプトを発展強化したパンシァー、AB(アタックブースター)のコンセプトを発展継承したイェーガーへとそれぞれ昇華された。また当初、共和国軍におけるライガーゼロの開発は極秘扱いであり、帝国から奪取した機体であることは、一部の高官以外には明かされていなかった。
Genealogy of cat beasts.
Among the quadruped cat beast class, the lion type, the tiger type, and the liger type have less surviving individuals in the wild, and capture is extremely difficult. It plays an effective role in close range combat, and because its individual strength is unmatched by any other Zoid it's popular among soldiers. In spite of its combat strength, its grumpy personality and high cost means it's usually only delivered to special forces and commanders. Ace pilots who have left their names on an impressive number of battles in the war.
In the intensifying war, the Imperial Army developed a new type, Liger "Ultimate," based on the west continent type's huge Wild Liger. They adopted the "CAS (Changing Armor System)", which retrofit the equipment for each mission. Ultimate was born, a marvelous Zoid which combined the generality of high combat power and versatility that the conventional Liger type just couldn't compare to. Development took advantage of knowledge from past generations. The final combat specification was the Liger Zero.
Within the Republican Army, in development at the same as the Ultimate, evolved the plan for an advanced Blade Liger. It was a stronger melee combat unit, with more powerful equipment for charging finishing moves, the Spino Liger. However, there were problems with its athletic performance during combat, and accompanied fears that the increase in weight would put a significant burden on the Zoid Core as it tried to consume the excess energy. The main worry was that it would easily cause overheating. Buster Liger, the next stage, was also discontinued early into its development. By their calculations, the Buster Liger had combat strength surpassing conventional ligers, and was supposed to be a monster with the same performance as the König Wolf "Silver Fang", which was lost along with Dr. Baba. However, as long as they were using Shield Liger as their base, the Spino Liger and Buster Liger were only theoretical plans.
The stolen Liger Zero developed by the Imperial Army was a big gospel for new liger development research in the Republic, which had been previously stalled. With this new body their anxieties were put to rest. With the Wild Liger of the west continent having such a strong Zoid Core, heavy equipment was now a possibility. Dr. Tacker took over the development of the Zero from Dr. BABA, and completed the Republican Zero series. After that, in a short period of time the Republic completed its CAS equipment one after another, but this is accredited to using the afformentioned liger's data, readjusting it to fit the new body as CAS. Their data was sublimated, with the Schneider who inherited the design concept of the Spino Liger, the Panzer who strengthened the concept of the Shield Liger DCS, and the Jager who inherited the design concept of the AB (Attack Booster). In addition, the development of the Liger Zero was considered top secret within the Republican Army, and the machine that had been stolen from the Empire wasn't revealed to anyone other than some high-level officials.
Within the Imperial Army base, another Liger Zero was able to be created from a wild-type body that was just barely able to be recovered from the Nixie base; a "Phantom" unit which emphasized covert battles, based on data from the Republican CAS units. With electronic camouflage, optical camouflage, and even sound muffling functions, the phantom's thorough camouflage capabilities were still able to be improved with smoke dischargers, and contained design data from the Republican's surprise combat units. That surprise electronic blitz combat unit was the X. However, because the invasion of the Republican Army happened sooner than expected, the X was put onto the battlefield in an unfinished state. There was also a plan for a Thunder Liger, an advancement of the X. Although the CAS function was abolished, the aircraft was developed for pure assault-blitz combat, with the redesigned "Electron Driver" moved from the back to the shoulder, becoming a Magnezer, but because it was a development plan for the X, which got caught up in the great battle of the Dark Continent, it remained only a concept.
(Setting Supervision: Tommy Okawara)