- Zoids Graphics: Volume 01
Volume 01 of the Zoids Graphics features information on the conceptual progress for König Wolf and Liger Zero X. It goes on to explain features that were thought out and those that never quite made it to completion. The page is originally set up with four 'segments' in one big fold out page but the individual parts are further split up to allow images to have more detail.
- Republican Zoid RZ-053 König Wolf

While the Mad Thunder was being assembled at the Entrance Bay base on the Dark Continent, a new Zoid was being developed based on a huge wolf-type wild body that was captured on the Western Continent. Its power and maneuverability were comparable to that of the Liger Zero, but its basic structure and combat system were adapted from the Command Wolf. Because of this, the Zoid couldn't control its excessive power and was prone to overheating, so it had to have an air cooling fan installed to its back.
However, in melee and high-speed battles, it displays tremendous fighting power. In particular, its Electric Fanger, which concentrates all of the electromagnetic energy into its fangs and bites the enemy, has incredible destructive power. Unfortunately, it can't be used frequently because the unit may temporarily stop functioning due to the overheating that occurs immediately after use.
Due to the advancement of the Dark Continent Invasion operation and the X's surprise attack, it was put into battle in an unstable state. It still has sufficient combat power, but if its basic structure and systems were redesigned to fit its massive size, it could be expected to perform even better.
- König Wolf Activity Scene/Technical Data

The König Wolf has power and maneuverability rivaling that of the Liger Zero, and its special move, the Electric Fanger, delivers a crushing bite to its enemies. You can clearly see the wildness of the wolf-type wild Zoid used as a base. The König is now on the move to protect the Mad Thunder from the X.
Overall Length: 21.24 m
Highest Point: 8.64 m
Weight: 90.5 t
Maximum Speed: 290.0 km/h
Electron Bite Fangs
Electron Strike Claws x4
Headgear x1
(Night vision camera / Precision fire dual scope)
2-barreled Multi-discharger x2
The 2-barreled multi-discharger is movable
The cockpit opens and closes
The fan rotates
- Side Of Republic: König Wolf
König Wolf
This is the sketch of the König Wolf, which was developed as a more advanced version of the Command Wolf. Judging from the completeness of the sketch, it seems that the plan was pretty concrete. However, when compared to the final sketch below, there's one point that needs paid attention. It's the way that the power pipes, which are equivalent to blood vessels in humans, are handled. If you look at the pipes from the shoulders to the legs, you can see that they were out in the open during the concept stage, but in the final sketch, they're no longer exposed, and have been redesigned with the safety of the unit in mind.

This is an unusual angle, but a sketch of just the body is necessary for development. Even though this is the first sketch, the shape of the unit had already roughly been decided at this point.
Head Armor
The Sniper Scope and the Headgear were originally designed separately, but in the end, it was decided that the scope would be stored in the headgear. It's a little regrettable but the gimmick of attaching the scope by sliding it forward is explained in the sketch showing a side view.

This seems to be the almost-finalized design. The Customize Parts, the Sniper Rifle and the Missile Pod which were developed at the same time, sport substantial performance and accurately target the opponent when used in combination with the Sniper Scope. Thus, the development of the König Wolf is thus promoted.
This is the birth of the Republic army's high-speed combat Zoid, the RZ-053 König Wolf.
- Imperial Zoid EZ-054 Liger Zero X

The Liger Zero, which was developed by the Imperial Army, is the new generation of Zoids. It was developed using combat data from the previous Liger types as well as the knowledge gained from the Death Stinger and Elephander. By adopting the CAS (Changing Armor System), which allows the Zero to change its equipment for each mission, it was born as an amazing Zoid with close range combat power and versatility that was unrivaled by previous Liger types.
However, while it was being developed at Nixie Base on the Western Continent, it was stolen by the Republican Army and bared its fangs against the Imperial Army. The Imperial Army completed the Liger Zero based on another wild body that they had barely managed to recover from Nixie Base. At the same time, they developed the "X" unit for surprise attack battles based on data from the Republic's CAS units. However, the X unit, which possessed high stealth performance as well as high fire power and combat capabilities, was deployed to the field in an unfinished state due to the rapid invasion of Republican forces.
The Electron Driver on its back is a powerful electromagnetic cannon that fires electricity focused towards a single point, and can also be used as Stun Blades, high-voltage electric blades used in close-range combat, deploying to either side to short-circuit opponents and halt their movements.
This combination of weapons is based on the knowledged gained during the Berserk Führer's development. By combining weapons, the Berserk Führer is also able to respond to changing combat situations. On the other hand, it has its own drawbacks, such as high cost and complicated operability, but depending on how it's used in battle, it can achieve tremendous results. For this reason, these special units were only given to ace pilots.
- Liger Zero X Activity Scene/Technical Data

The Liger Zero X is a Zoid capable of all kinds of electromagnetic attacks. Although it has a good range of variable forms, it's complicated to operate, so any pilot given this dark beast king should be proud, and will fight battles at a high level.
Overall Length: 24.0 m
Highest Point: 9.8 m
Weight: 115.0 t
Maximum Speed: 315.0 km/h
Static Gnerator
Cutter Fairing x2
* Other Equipment
CAS (Changing Armor System)
Optical Camouflage (Active Stealth)
Chaff Dispenser x4
Electron Driver
Cool Fins x4 set
Object Blade Sensor x4
Drum Condenser
Ground Unit
Stun Blades (Expand on left and right sides)
Electron Driver (Expands forward)
Drum condensers rotate
Shoulder covers open and close
Cockpit opens and closes
- Side of Empire: X Unit
This is the initial design of the Liger Zero X. It's a sketch that truly makes you feel like it's a Zoid focused on electric attacks. You can see so many different shapes that led up to the current X.
If you look at the sketch files step by step shows diverse concepts, but the characteristic Electron Driver was described from the beginning. You can trace the pursuit of this idea.
The X Unit is based on data of the Republican Army's CAS units, it seems that it has more performance than the Republican Army's CAS units.

Among the sketches, this Liger Zero X was special. What kind of electric shock attack could have been made possible by the bold fairing design?
The sketch of the fairing explains the gimmick in great detail. The cockpit area seems to have been developed with particular care.

This is the final design of the Liger Zero X. The final sketch of X was completed with modifications to the head fairings. It seems that the gimmick of having fairings near the cockpit was proposed just before completion. It seems to be part of the Electron Driver. The side armor on the legs has also been modified to deploy. This is how the Liger Zero X was developed, capable of all kinds of electric attacks.
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