- Heldigunner

Pilots: ---

    Heldigunner is a very fast and efficient little Zoid. This desert dwelling lizard is first seen piloted by bandits, and is /mostly/ piloted by bandits, but is later put into use by the Imperial Army. The standard color is an off-brown/green color.

    Featured Episodes: 31

- Desert Heldigunner

Pilots: Alphred, Ross

    The Heldigunner, as mentioned earlier, is most often used by bandits. In fact, it appeared commonly used by bandits before it was ever even noted as being used by the Imperial Army. How they manage to get these Zoids, or why the Empire allows such a fast and valuable Zoid out of their grasp is beyond me. The Desert Heldigunner is the same as the standard in terms of weaponry but is decorated in a brown-sand and green-ish camouflage paint scheme.

    The Desert Heldigunner used by one of the Crossbow Brothers used an electrical net to capture Zeke.

    The Desert Heldigunner used by the Zoid Hunters had the back gun modified to fire a dart, which, when attacked, would send an electrical surge through the Zoid until it shorted out.

    Featured Episodes: 26, 40

- Royal Heldigunner

Pilots: ---

    The name "Royal" Heldigunner is unofficial. It is merely following the trait of the "Royal Zaber" which was announced in the same episode.

    This Zoid was seen at Inei River, supposedly as part of a royal brigade that was either stationed to protect the river, or traveling with Prime Minister Homaleph for his personal safety. They appear to have no custom equipment, but are painted a custom color scheme.

    Featured Episodes: 33