- Episode 55: Super Sonic Battle

    Irvine has stumbled across a Gustav carrier that has dropped some of its cargo. As soon as he offers to help he's knocked out cold, and when he wakes up he finds himself in a shack full of illegally smuggled weapons. He's been framed, his Lightning Saix stolen, and the Republican Army tries to arrest him for it.

     Of course, Irvine being Irvine breaks out of the carrier and escapes. He's followed by a Republican officer named Carol, who's intent to bring him back. Unfortunately she's in the unfortunate position of being in the middle of no where, and really having no way to stop Irvine from looking for his stolen Lightning Saix.

- Characters

Featured Characters:

Featured Zoids:
Blade Liger
Lightning Saix
Storm Sworder CS Gun Sniper WW
Gustav (Gray)
Hammer Head
Hel Digunner Canory

- Notable Facts

  • Carol claims to be from the Republican Army Military Intelligence Division, and arrests Irvine.

  • Carol claims that her village was destroyed, along with her parents during an Imperial assault on the city, and that she received a leg injury during this event.

  • "Mom" is a well-known woman among the mercenary crowd, and Irvine says that mercenaries always go to her establishment to find the latest info.

  • The Zi Foundation, a charity for war orphans, is a front for an illegal weapons production operation, which aren't supposed to exist after the war.

  • Carol's Storm Sworder is damaged during her fight with Irvine, and crashes into the sea. She's never seen again.

  • - Deleted Scenes From Episode 55

        Comments: Irvine is a pretty popular choice for target practice on a normal day, but this is a bit much.

    - Screenshots